Thursday, October 22, 2009

Time and I ramble on

I became 57 years last week-had a good checkup with the doc-so far so good. Just the usual weird bumps and soreness here and there. I have that to be thankful for. I received gifts and greetings from good friends and family, got some thoughtful gifts from wife and daughters, ate at a new sushi-hibachi restaurant, saw Delilah and the Lost Boys at the KIA, danced to the 4 Wheel Drive band with Mary and with friends Friday night. I was able to ride the bike to the post office yesterday and took some of the pictures shown here along the way. Might be last really decent day of the year. My mom becomes 78 this week. As she says she is hangin' in there. I am blessed to have such a wonderful mom and parents. Best Wishes and love to her. It is so easy to look at what we don't have or would like to do and feel like we are missing something. We all should appreciate and note what it is we have and try and improve what we can for ourselves and others.
After a year plus into retirement I see I need to fill up some more time, especially come winter. So far none of my job possibilities have panned out. I do believe there is something for me out there.
I enjoy the weekly volunteering, the sleeping in, do not miss the hassles of school administration, I do miss most of the folks I worked with (hey Greta glad to see you are a reader;), I enjoy golfing when I want to and can afford it, I do wish Mary was around more to share the relaxed hours but that will come with time, being able to meet friends for leisurely lunches, and I like being to have the time to write. So there is my ramble of the week. The clouds and rain are returning for a spell, glad I got my bike ride in. Ya'll take care and count your blessings as the leaves come a rambling down.....

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Watt's goin On??

Just a quick bulleted update of some latest thoughts and goinzz on round here in Sreno's world.

  • Fall golf at various locales; in order >Yarrow in Augusta, MI, Maple Lane in Sterling Hts., MI (with Jo, Denman and Mary), at Bedford Valley outside Battle Creek(made it back 40 years+after caddying there), Gull Lake Country Club (thanks to Melvis n D. Lamons).

  • Gigged with Susan at Webster's down at Radisson Hotel

  • Began writing Country Club Caddy memoir.

  • Weather has frequently been rainy and chilly, politicians and pundits willly nilly, the media driven culture downright silly

  • 1st Anniversary of writing blog passes-thanks for reading if you are;)