Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mays Daze

May always brings with it a flurry of activities such as the yard work and gardening preps. In our world it begins with daughter Ashley's cinco de mayo birthday, our anniversary, and mothers day.
Ending with the memorial weekend events which usually involves more yard work and gardening unless we go somewhere other than Lake Michigan.
Ashley's birthday this year was more of a Facebook event for us (most know she resides in Boston) as I posted some photos from her 5th bday 20 years ago. Our anniversary was a little more subdued this year after last year's limo extravaganza to Saugatuck with the group. We stayed local and went downtown first to Mangia Mangia for a drink then to the new Rustica restaurant owned by the Tiffany's party store and Zooroona folks. It is a smaller venue but fun atmosphere and very tasty and well presented food. After we dined our smaller group this year (minus C and K) headed out to show we can still dance and caught a new group to us, Mulch, at the new Globe theater. Lots of "new stuff" this year. Fun evening-but went by too fast.
The most recent event of May was the long awaited Edo's 65th Bday celebration which also incorporated Shooter's May bday. It was at Ron (Shooter) and Jill's hideaway on the west side on a glorious spring evening. It was to be a Reggae happening and it was mon. Caribbean cuisine took center stage early,yum. Zion Lion, local group mentioned here in the blog before was the featured entertainment and were lots of fun to dance, listen and groove the night away with. A friendly gathering of most like minded baby boomers celebrating living, a clearing of the skies, a waxing moon and temperate weather. Edo, Shooter, Jill and Co. threw a great bash. On Sunday Mary and I headed out to South Haven coming out of our rum and ale fog and who did we run into but birthday boy
Edo on the beach, none worse for wear ready for another day of taking a bite of the fruit of life, of course we rehashed the evening's happenings.
So only Memorial weekend to go and we are in the throes of a rare May heat wave. It is tropical, Caribbeanesque for sure. Ok to play in if water is nearby but not much fun to work in. So we enjoy it for now, thankful to have the opportunities to celebrate with the time and friends we have had around us this month. " bring on summer". Must focus on the positive, right? I will save my oil spill and wall street rants for another day.
In all this I must mention the passing this month of another sweet soul. Mary's aunt Frannie, her mom's twin sister passed on May 15th at 89. Her son Batt was my former musical duo partner and how I ended up meeting Mary. Batt's sister Sharon, is not only Mary's cuz but bosom buddy.
Bless Frannie, a kind soul indeed. Now at rest in Paw Paw.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


It is not always easy to reunite with friends you have known since high school for many different reasons. Life circumstances and travel distance are usually the biggest two reasons that get in the way over the years. This past weekend friends from my ole hometown of outside Detroit, Fraser, exclusively boys this year, got together over near Lake Michigan on White Lake at the invite of P. "Rockman" Bolde. BMad was coming into town from Santa Rosa, CA. and he picked up Corby from Grosse Pointe, MI. after his teaching gig last Friday and headed for Richland to stay the night here before we would head out the next morning. They drove through some heavy downpours and arrived in Richland where I had been waiting drinking my martini's and bloody mary's. I had libations and snax ready for them. Mary had already headed down to Art Hop to meet some pals, friend Susan and her band were playing downtown for her CD release party so would rendezvous there. By the time we arrived at the Union the night was in full swing. We enjoyed the music, had a bite, caught up on stuff and ran into Mary, some other friends and of course, Mikey D. We got back by 1 and crashed by 2. Day 2 we would head for the Whitehall area, cold wind and rain or shine.
Saturday was cloudy, windy and cold but as Bmad would say, "he didn't come for the weather".
Our slight hangovers did not impede the constant joking and teasing each other that has always been a mainstay of our relationships. One upping each other with quips and clever comebacks is part of what we do when all of us get together. 40 plus years of friendship has given us pretty thick skins that work most of the time. Rockman's crib is only 2 hours away and we arrived by 2 o'clock.
Unfortunately, not all of our group who were invited ended up being able to make it. JJ Johanson and Davey G. were unable to attend but Walter Pettman was already there we we arrived and was a welcome addition to the craziness. PBolde has a huge crib on the side of White Lake that can accommodate us all which was good because the weather would keep us inside a good deal of the time. Part of Paul's nickname "Rockman" comes from his love of rocks and skilled stonework that he does and his house has an awesome example of it one side hill of his property. Bmad and I had visited several times in the last 20 years since Paul has lived there with his wife and son. It was Walter's and Corby's first visit.
So the insanity and catching up ensued, as the tunes played and stories were retold and pasts relived. Our main event for the evening would be buying and putting together the dinner. It was a group effort but after the gonzo guys shopping experience and before the food fest we headed out to Lake Michigan just up the road to the pier where a fierce wind prevailed. PB has a new rescued dog,Tuxs, that can be seen in the photos, who went along with us. The trek was invigorating and got us ready for the cooking, drinking and eating. The dinner turned out superb and we toasted with red wine to many things but most of all to the appreciation that we still get together like this after all these years.
Saturday night was more beer, Red Wings, and Betty White's SNL. We stumbled to our individual slumber sights and crashed hard. Sunday was a sunny crisp day and the blues views of White Lake out PB's landscape windows were beautiful. We laid around drank coffee and read the news before we headed out on another trek to Duck Lake St. Park where it runs out into Lake Michigan. Walter headed back to Lansing area early and we said our goodbye's to him. The sun was a welcome warmth to the day. After a walk down the trails we headed back to PB's to get out the food again for lunch before we headed back to Kzooland. I should mention that PB's son Brandon joined us for Sunday as he got home late Sat nite. Brandon has been a part of our reunions, as most of our kid's always were, since they were just tadpoles. Now grownup he is quite the young man, a pilot and entrepreneur. Being Mother's Day we who's mothers are still around called them and our wives to wish them the best on this day. After a while we said our goodbyes to PB and Brandon and I want to mention another thank you to Renee and Paul for sharing their house with us for the night.
Billy M, Billy C and I got back to Richland after 5, tired and refreshed from the lake air and frivolity of the weekend. Mary and Callie were making pizza's when we arrived so, we the guys, made our own and caught up on their Mother's Day activities. Sunday night would provide some of our biggest laughs of the weekend when we were all lying around and we turned the Bill's on to the joys of Snuggies. The accompanying interesting photo is what developed or should I say, popped up. It was the exact type of thing that happens when we get together and the creative, fun, imaginations run free, albeit a little worn by this point of the weekend.

Monday morning came and we all did our wi'fi catch ups and the Bill's were off to Detroit by noon. After they were gone, Callie said, "I wished they lived closer ". Another gathering in the memory bag at least for now. The kind of thing that rekindles and refreshes what life can provide. It must be nourished to continue to grow through all of life's circumstances, ups and downs. I often wonder how our children and children's children will look back on these photos and wonder how wonderful it all was and fortunately, remains.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cinco de mayo

25 years have passed since Cinco de Mayo took on a new meaning for Mary and I. Ashley Kay was born, brought home from the hospital on a sunny May day with the lilacs in bloom. Special time of course as is today on her 25th birthday. Proud then, prouder now as she has grown from a special girl to an even more special woman. Enjoy the photos from the big Cinco party in 1990.