Saturday, November 25, 2017


Love it or hate it , use it or have never touched it, Facebook quickly has become embedded in our culture.Why? I am not sure but it seems to be rooted in some innate needs we have for approval, alleviating our boredom for a time and quest for knowledge. I have not written a blog in several months, just not been creatively inspired to write much during that time but watching not only my own struggle with participation in Facebook but my wife's and other friends seeming obsession I've decided to explore and express my own feelings and confusion about this social networking giant. Here is my ramble.
There are those who religiously participate, sometimes accessing FB's offerings several times a day, first thing in the morning last thing at night, using up their precious data GB's, while others look at it with disdain, wondering what the attraction is. Some have tried it, never to go back again, others go on and ''stalk', not posting but just looking at pictures, others' posts, not commenting, just giving an occasional like.A non-user friend calls it F-Book.You know what that F stands for. Only 3-4 of my closest 'male' friends have gone all in on FB. My self I sometimes will say "Stupid Facebook" after seeing a ridiculous post or exchange. I mean how many adorable cat or cute kid videos can one absorb? Or watching someone cook a turkey in a dishwasher, really? Or read users personal or political rants and where we 'are checked in' at this moment. .
What is it inside our brains that drives us  be 'liked' for what we choose to post and share? Do You think I am smart or cool for that article I shared or that photo I took of the sunset or moonrise last night? Some folks like everything, go further and "love' this or that picture of the kitten or grandchild. When an old reliable 'liker' doesn't 'like' something, uh-oh are they upset at me or for what I posted?
Facebook can be a place for community discourse, some folks embracing the back and forth of opinions on a topic or event. Many will proudly profess what they believe, calling out others who do not agree with them, at times even blocking or hiding their posts or the dreaded "unfriending", sorry we are not FB friends anymore 😟.
FB can be a positive tool, to raise money for a "good cause", promote your business, your artistic endeavors, help locate a lost family member or pet, talk to a friend in China in real time, send out invites to an event you may be putting together or getting this blog out to a wider audience. It really is a microcosm of our world; the good, the bad and the ugly, as there are those that use it to prey upon others. The Russians and others were able to freely post misleading stories attempting to influence the 2016 election. Sorry is all Facebook execs would say we're working on it. Social Media companies do extensive research on how to get us to log on more frequently to check other's statuses, or number of likes, loves on a post or a 'selfie' we recently posted. You would think they could stay on top of the potential negatives.
I think Facebook for many of us ends up as Entertainment of a sort not unlike television or gaming. Between the ease of use on our digital devices and our need to cure our boredom many of us cannot go an half hour without checking to see what out Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat accounts have waiting for us to peruse. The president is an example of not being able to stay off it for very long before having to respond to something he likes or dislikes.
People who post their most personal events or feelings make me wonder why they choose to do that but like an accident on the hi-way I watch and read with a perverted interest. I imagine it is a form of therapy for some to engage in these back and forths. Facebook only  represents our "big, ole goofy world" to paraphrase John Prine.
All in all, it can be a huge waste of time, it can be hurtful with hateful name calling, couples now found out we are no longer 'in a relationship' or it can make someones day with a little smiling emoji.☺
I struggle myself with my participation. I do not want to feel like I have to 'like" everything someone posts without causing hurt feelings but I use more discretion and am more random with my 'liking'.😌
I do enjoy the ability to re-connect with certain folks from our pasts and see what family and friends are up to, the reason why I initially joined. Mostly I try to use it as a vehicle for positiveness, an occasional laugh or a tear, trying not to over do it on anything. Will I continue? Probably, or will I go the way of many of our children, the millennial crowd, who we've chased off FB, to the slightly more technical Instagram or whatever it is that is in the works to come out next? How hard would it be to go dark and stay away? I can still text and oh yes email.What would I miss that my wife wouldn't tell me?
 After all it is just our 'friends' we are talking about.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

we call it Spring

we call it Spring

thousands of bees create a perennial humming
among the crabapple tree that flowers,
blossoms flutter soft landing like dry snowflakes
near where the rabbits pause to listen and sniff
green ever greener
color punctuates this splendor
a lively landscape painting
an annual affair

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Something In the Way They Moved

Well, we made a promise we'd always remember
No retreat, baby, no surrender
Like soldiers in the winter's night
with a vow to defend
No retreat, baby, no surrender

Bruce Springsteen                                          

Like those who were motivated to march, rally and demonstrate I feel a need to say something about the events of January 21 and the aftermath. I did not travel by car, train, bus or plane but was transported by a spirit that moved a mass of humanity. My wife, sister in-law, my oldest daughter and many close friends, male and female did come from  near and far to do something they felt they needed to do. I watched it unfold in the weeks and days before as my wife packed, created signage, my golf buddy prepared food for their group, others knitted hats and the conversations grew about what you would need and how to be safe, peaceful and in control. On the day of the march I watched it develop on the day of at home, on my computer stream and the TV screen. I could see and hear things up close from the DC stage where my wife Mary was and from afar looking over Chicago, L.A., Miami, Charlotte, St. Louis, Paris and where my daughter was in Boston. I felt pride in their effort. I am not sure how one could not be moved or inspired unless you're political views blind you so that the physicality and spirituality of this day caused you to lose sight of what was happening.

The newly sworn in president chose to say nothing about the gatherings as was probably well advised by his closest confidants.I believe he missed out on an opportunity to reach out and show he may have understood their energy or concerns but he did not. Another one for the disappointment column.

My motivation to blog about this is brought about by one central question. What motivated, compelled, moved all these folks to plan out and leave the comfort of their homes, towns and families, squeeze together in the middle of winter into the vans, buses and trains, in some cases travel all night, lose sleep, spend hard earned money and band together in places many had never been to express something they were deeply concerned with in their hearts and minds? What was so important to each of them, personally and collectively to join in on this day as one?  I believe they did it out of love, to overcome the fear they felt for their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters uncertain futures and the changes they see coming with potentially negative consequences.

Something flipped a switch in their ordinary lives to make them want to Do Something extraordinary. They certainly accomplished a first step in making their voices heard.

So they returned to their hometowns after making history with their rallies, marches, demonstrations, their tears, their laughter, their music, their tribes of millions. New bonds were forged, making them stronger in the process. Nobody was seriously hurt as they came in peace believing that their actions might make a difference.A difference in the lives of those without privilege, without much of a political voice. They represented those women with a deep concern for their sisters and brothers well being and the Mother Earth we all inhabit.

If the 'Women's March' becomes a movement that affects change will remain to be seen. If they feed off the memories of the spirit and energy of that day and events, then those that I know will remain a force that will try to fight the powers that be with their voices, their own buying power as heads of households, and as nurturers in their family trees and networks of friends that spread out vast and wide. No Retreat, Baby, No Surrender! 
Photos courtesy of Ashley K. and Mary E.