Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Will we get change back?

Fellow Americans:

It tis the day after election day and I ponder, amazed at how quickly after laborious campaigns that in one day across the country things happened that could potentially change some pivotal directions in the United States and the world. I want to believe it can happen for the good of us all that we can work together and I will leave it at that for now as I am trying to change my own views on our future as the human race.
The speeches from last night and this morning are heading in the right direction but the honeymoon phase will need to last a long time to make it work as a good marriage has to continue through the hardest times, for the greater good
The Obama's picked the right music to frame the celebration last night. I heard "Sweet Home Chicago", guessing by Buddy Guy after the victory announcement, I heard some perfect classical music for moment as the speech was over and families came on stage, not sure who it was, and then as they were headed off stage and the crowd was celebrating Springsteen's "The Rising" accelerated the crowd's feelings of the night. So the Blues, the Classical and the Boss is a good way to start this for me. Now the rest is up to the big US, can we write a new song for the new times to come.

I wanted to mention the quick Halloween trip (photos) to Fenville/Saugatuck with the G'Nas last weekend. Corby came over from Detroit to make the unseasonably temperate trip and we dressed up and ate and danced and goofed off as good trick or treaters do, our hangovers were not from candy though. We had mucho fun again in the little coastal town with all the crazy characters that abound there.


Grandma Bev said...

11/4 was a turn in the road for the USA. We believe it is time to put classism and prejudice behind us and be flat-out Americans. "YES we can" has been the core of this country since its beginning. We can accomplish anything we put our minds and efforts to.
On a lighter note: Sounds like Reno is making the most of and enjoying the extra time retirement affords.
"..ain't it great!!!"
Bev & Dad

Soloreno's World said...

let's hope we can !!
glad to see your reading and someone comments!! love it!!