Monday, December 8, 2008

TTTTT, American Stars and Bars, Part Two

fashionistas and roomies and > ***** star light
TTTTT 08 champ Toddly and myself

me and the deale smokin!

Day one ended with all of us going to the Resort Restaurante and having dinner. Most notable that evening other than the golfers all telling their day one stories of their round was that Karaoke was being setup as we ate and first song they played was a Johnny Cash song. Many of us immediately thought of two previous 5T players who have since moved on to the big fairway in the sky, CApt. Rob and Mickey Billy looking down on us goofers. Our waitress for the evening was Pam who had a great Tennessee accent, was very accommodating and helped set the stage for our weekend.

Saturday, most everyone was up and ready to hit the links early. We were on the tee ready by 9. I need to mention the other players in the tourney who made the trip down. Dan C., from Motown, Todd (alias Brett Smith), Bear, Nick- son of Bear, Cookie Sr., Jr., Jimmy C., Melvis, Jazzy Jeff, Too Tall, P. Schram and my ole Garage Band member buddy Neale the Deale, who came over from his base in Fort Campbell, Ky.
I had my first day 4some chosen for me being a newbie (first year). The other newbie and myself, Nick, son of Bear, had to play with the two old timers and originators of the 5T, Too Tall and P.Schram. It was a bit cold but cart covers were in place and we were off. My score for this day would be an 84 I believe, Nick and I survived all the "learned advice" from our two mentors
At this point the Saturday and Sunday events become a little fuzzy as far as the leaderboard goes. Saturday's highlight or lowlight was Toddly's errant shot on the 13th hole which shattered a homeowners car, who happened to be there and Todd had to deal with all the possible repercussions. It was not a pleasant round for Todd with that hanging over his head.

Instead of the spaghetti meal being cooked at the condo, a few of us opted to go back to Angelo's Restaurante for dinner. Part of our mission was to assist Todd with getting past the damage done to the car. I believe we succeeded as the libations took over and an enjoyable laugh filled dinner was had by the Deale, Jimmy C., Todd, Melvis and myself. I know we ended up having to put a moratorium on high fives, we were that enthusiastic. Somewhere in this afternoon/evening I think Melvis, Jimmy and I did a little jamming back at our room. Significant because we worked on a song new acoustically for the first time and it was good to hear it that way.
Sunday was a bit colder and wet for part of the day. I played with Bear and Neale and did not have much movement that day. My two birdies were cut for skins by Todd who had the low round of the tourney with a 73. Todd's comeback after the window crash was the story of the day and he leaped to the head of the leaderboard with Jazzy Jeff who kept playing consistent.
Monday's final 4some would be rounded out by Too Tall and Melvis, who also continued to play well. Todd was excited to say the least after this round and ready to celebrate. Since no dinner was planned when the moment was right Todd took off across the street to Angelo's to get pizza. I went after him to assist. While we waited for the pizzas Todd and I ordered a drink. This quite a slow night down in Baneberry, Sunday night after T-day and the employees were putting up Christmas decorations. They were having some trouble getting a Gold Star up on top of the tree as none of them were very tall. Well Todd was more than happy to help out and got that Star to stay up on the tree balanced against the ceiling. Of course there was some trouble with our pizza order and Todd and I had to take them back in shifts of 2 to the hungry condo dwellers.

Needless to say they went fast when we went back as the card players were ready for some nourishment by 8=9 o'clock. Later this night Melvis, Nick, JImmy C., Jazzy Jeff, and I entertained the crowd with some songs and jamming. I should mention that everyday after the regular 18, an optional 9 hole scramble is held in a more friendly game shall we say. The weather was challenging in this extra round each day but it was a lot of fun.

The last day of golf was upon us and the forecast was windy, snow and cold.
Monday was cold and snow was blowing. The first few holes were rough but everyone had their heaters for some extra warmth. The layers of clothing were 3-4 thick, made it tough to swing
After 9 holes and not improving my overall tourney score I opted to watch the championship match. The leaders played solidly and it went down to the 18th but Todd emerged triumphant over the others and won by a stroke. The weather had cooperated enough to make the round playable.
After much discussion back at the condo about changes for next year, handicaps, etc. turkey sandwiches, soup and bbQ was available. The condo guys always had good food and beverage around for the pickings. The trophy would be presented later before we headed to dinner.
I went back to my room for some rest and quiet. While there I heard my phone going on vibration and checked it out it was my wife Mary with a text saying "CALL ME NOW". You never like to see that, so I called and she had just been in an accident back home. Fortunately, she was not seriously hurt but shaken, air bags had went off and our 08 Fusion had been damaged pretty badly. Discussions about towing, insurance etc. ensued. Daughter Callie came to pick her up and was more upset than mom. So as the trophy and prize monies were handed out, photos taken, we decided Mexican would be for dinner in nearby Newport, Tenn. My mind was back in MIchigan planning figuring out my next steps with the car would be when I returned.
HIghlight for me at the Mexican restaurant was many of us were wearing our 5T hats, (provided by Melvis Maple Hill productions) with the big red 5 pointed star-representing our gang of golfers-celebrating a successful tourney and the 2008 champion, Todd, the man who had planted the Gold Star on Angelo's Christmas tree the night before.
Tuesday was traveling day and it was cold and snowy as we said our goodbyes, packed up, paid up and headed through the mountains looking for some breakfast, which we found at a Shoney's down the road with some sunshine. The road home was long and relatively smooth. Jazzy Jeff joined Melvis, Jimmy C. and myself for the ride back. The home made CD's, Judy's cookies, and Sirius XM made the trip palatable. I again drove the last leg but in the dark this time.
I am glad I made my first 5T and thank the organizers and all who made it memorable. Word had it I have passed the test to be asked back but I will wait for the formal invitation. I ended up somewhere in the middle of the scoreboard. No Look Party Boy was beat out by No Luck Good- Luck Party Boy. As Too Tall had said my lack of local course knowledge got in the way of going low my first year. Please Excuse any facts I didn't check or omissions in this blog. My memory was somewhat clouded by the mountain air. Our car is still being examined at this time, a week later to see if it is totaled or not yet. Again, stay tuned for future developments. We may need to rent a car for Christmas.
Till next time ya'll!


Anonymous said...

The 9th Annual TTTTT: notes, omissions and observations from the bottom of the leader board.

All went well as we departed on our trip south Friday A.M. (I got up at 3 A.M. -
Note for next year - Just stay up and drink until we leave rather than going through another night of restless anticipation and excitement of the great times that were sure to fill the next few days.

Friday's golf: If you have ever tried rushing straight from the office for a 1/2 hour or longer drive to the course, only to arrive in a self induced & somewhat frenzied state (that often can be difficult to shake without using the world’s most popular herbal supplements); then you must try getting up at 3 A.M. and driving for 9 hours to assure an opportunity to play at least 5 or 6 holes before dusk drives us to the poker table. Little Nicky played like a true champ on Fri. straight from the freeway to the course with a string of 3 pars to open his TTTTT career with a flash of brilliance and a fair bit of hope to take with to dinner at the end of golf version of the longest day (both are essential ingredients if one hopes to tame the Championship layout we know simply as Painberry).

Saturday was fun as everyone stepped towards the tee for the weeks first 18 in position to take control of the season’s final major.

We all met a new golfer named Brent Smith. Always an inclusive bunch we allowed this newcomer to join our group. This turned out to be a huge mistake (as he proceeded to fill his weekend with a random combination of property damage, disregard for local custom, and rampant rumors of various other felonious activity that were reported throughout the remainder of the trip. Then the asshole went out and won the dammed tournament on top of everything else. A tip of the cap Todd, a 3-Pete (I don't want Pat Reilly suing my ass for copyright infringement) is an amazing accomplishment and automatically reduces your handicap to scratch until deemed otherwise by the "All Paul" rules and competition comity.

Sunday the weather began to deteriorate and as was expected, the true competitors rose to the occasion.Sunday night the condo was rockin' with "Crazy Legs" Lambert and Brent "El Draino" Smith sharing the top spot on the leaderboard.Heres hoping for the return of "No Look, Party Boy" for next years event.Now that every day is Saturday will steve finally take his game to the fabled next level.My money is on a drastic drop in both his handicap and his number of invitations for Sunday nassaus.(Already a betting man's choice for the '09 Hokey)

Monday morning brought snow, wind, and mathematical elimination for a few of us lucky enough to never have to leave the cozy comfort of a heated cart that proved to provide the best seat in the house for another thrilling conclusion to this year’s TTTTT.

Jeff, your time will come, and remember if V.J. Singh can convince himself that he can putt then we all can retain a little hope that we too can somehow capture the power of the placebo and transform ourselves into the putter that we all know lurks somewhere in the shadows of our soul. That being said, you are approaching Collin Montgomery status as yet another opportunity slipped through your fingers. With a new knee, and a firm belief in better living through chemistry, the future is certain to be bright.

Also, my personal favorite part of the weekend was the wait staff at the Mexican restaurant. WOW...I am certain that a better display of inefficiency in motion has ever been documented my man or beast. The food was amazing and I have never been brought (2) frosted beer mugs per 12 oz. bottle of beer. This was an issue for those of us who had no use for the first mug, let alone the 2nd.

All in all, another great TTTTT has been recorded into the Hokey Hall of Records. For those of us who have yet to taste their spirit of choice from the cup of victory will wait patiently for the Hokey Open in August to redeem our good names and have another unforgettable adventure that for some reason not that easy to remember.

Take it easy,

tttttpaulie said...

Nice site solo,
who would have thought it would have come to this. about 10-11 years ago J. Lambert was going to come to TN to visit me on thankgiving to play a little golf. His trip was postponed because of his sister's death that week. The next week he called and said he wanted to come down on the next weekend and would it be OK if he brought a friend. I said sure and low and behold he brought P. Basing. We played a little golf (it was very cold) and took a trip NC to go to an indian Casino for my bday. The next year there were 4 of us on TG and the year after that I began keeping track of scores. Then a few more guys wanted to come down so I said, sure and i decided to buy a trophy for the winner of the weekend. I remember trying to figure some different way to figure out how to score the weekend and came up with the 3 day one man scramble scoring that we are still using today. I think everyone will agree it's different, fair and can be quite challenging especially on the last day. Since that time it has become a blast that everyone looks forward to that weekend.
This year was great. Always good to have some rookies come down. all totaled there has been about 2 dozen different golfers that have played in the TTTTT.
The ttttt was always a highlight of my time in TN and has managed to stay that. Even though i have never won it. Maybe someday!
Keep inviting people. Keep coming, Have fun. and "WHAT A GREAT DAY TO PLAY GOLF".