Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who and What New for O9?

Welcome to 2009! A brief message to stay connected with you readers, which I hope there are still a few. As you see there is a new front page, the beds have been put away for now and just some turkeys remain (read into that what you will). Since I have a few months of blogging under my belt I hope to change things up a bit. Add some links, play with the layout, etc.
Stay tuned for my take on the world around us and what is going on, both in Reno's World and the universe at large. Comments are always welcome even if you email them to me.
Let us move ahead into this new year with a resolve for a creative, spiritual and physical ideal we would like to see happen in our world.


aks said...

i like the new look!

tybor said...

Thanks for the warm wishes! I'm excited to see your blog. Keep an eye on mine next month, as I'll hopefully be visiting Ashley in Boston!