Monday, March 23, 2009


Yes, We are victims of a hate crime in our peaceful neighborhood. Who would of thought it would happen here? I AM PO'D ABOUT THE TP' ING we were subject to this past weekend. Please if you have any idea who these criminals were that did this to us let me know. You do not have to identify yourself. We must bring these heathens to justice! I cannot understand WHY someone would inflict this senseless pain upon us.
(Mary took a decidedly more lowkey approach-her sign reads FREE TOILET PAPER TAKE ALL YOU WANT!)
No takers observed but we did make a decent take of left behind (pardon pun) rolls of TP;)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring it is!

Officially it is now Spring, we have been seeing more sunshine in these parts but few days of really warm. At least our snow is gone.
Some of you may have noticed or will see that I have added my twitter input to the blog. Yes, I have been twitter-patin for a while now. It took me a while of memory searching to remember where I first heard that phrase, twitterpated, and do you remember? Well, I believe it was the wise old owl in Bambi explaining the signs of spring love to the growing buck. Pulled that one out of somewhere and didn't have to google it. Seems appropro for the season. So I twitter very sparingly as I see it is more of a cell-mobile deal than telling people what you are currently doing from your computer at home. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about-much ado about nothing I suppose. I do have two friends in Tonya and Fran. Yeah followers!!
Quick mention that Jazz and I drove up to GR for a three quarters Garage Band reunion with Seaton for some jamming and socializing. We did call NEale the Deale down in Kentucky for a bit of making the Four. I got to play electric drums for the first time and we did remember most of the songs ( that we wrote). Having the Garage Bible there helped with the lyrics.
Other Spring events, of course St. Patrick's Day is one and what a beauty it twas, 72 degrees in Kalamazoo area. Mary met me after work at Harvey's on the Mall downtown and we heard the local band, Belfast Gin, we watched and listened to the mostly twentyish crowd celebrate their pub crawls (literally) around town. Much green beer consumed by those, I stuck to Guinness and Jameson's. We ended the early evening with walking over to dinner at the Old Brewpub. Quite the crowd about town for a Tuesday but everyone was ready for the wonderful weather indeed. Something to celebrate.
Spring will bring with it golf league, outdoor chores, house projects, and gardens-nature do your thing and be!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

South is Doing it Again; A quick trip review.

Sometimes the more you try to avoid something it keeps on following you. So it felt like as we awoke on our journey south of Nashville to cold and snow. Had to scrape inch or so off our car in the morning. Luckily our timing was good and the highway was mostly clear as the sun had come out and trucks had been clearing the way. As you can see from the photo there was quite a bit on the ground and on the trees. By the time we were through Birmingham and Montgomery most of it had melted, but it was the talk of the day down south. We made it to the Gulf Shores/Orange Beach area by around 6 to much warmer temps. It would remain sunny for the rest of our trip until we hit Indiana and Michigan on our return where precip would again hit us.

My parents winter escape in Orange Beach was condo fantistico and occupancy was only 30%. They pretty much have it themselves. Pools, hot tubs, marina, putting greens, beaches, all the amenities for a limited # of Snowbirds from the north. Mary and I got acclimated to the snowbird culture of fresh seafood dining deals, golf and shopping right away. I golfed with Ron, family friend of my Dad and Bev's from Detroit area, the first day. Ron set us up to play a nice course called the Peninsula, lotsa water, traps and shrubbery. I hadn't played since Nov. and shot 86 (couple of 7's too) with a back to back birdie run which felt good. I lived up to my dad's bragging bout my abilities so I felt good about that. Enjoyable day!

While I was away Mary of course did her shopping thing, lining up her deals for a later excursion. During the stay we also did the poolside thing, went to the famed Flora/Bama Bar in Pensacola for some entertainment with J. Hawkins who sat down with us and talked music between sets, we had some Bushwhackers, did some fresh oysters, the beach was a bit cool because of the wind, but actually warm back near the pool, we had morning coffees and conversation on the balcony looking over the Gulf, and just relaxed. As always the company of my Dad and Beverly was precious time indeed. We thank them for the invitation and hospitality. Mary and I got some insight into the retirement possibilities of southern Alabama. We left the Caribe in anticipation of the Louisiana Bayou and what New Orleans offers.

I was interested in seeing what the post Katrina world 3 years hence looked like in NO. We had already seen some it around the Gulf Shore area. This was Mary's first time to the Crescent City so she was excited to experience it all. Our trip over took about 4 hrs as we stopped for lunch in Gulfport at the Blowfly Inn. (a place I saw on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives). We found our hotel just outside French Quarter quite easily and were out and about and down by the mighty river before dark. That night we took it all in and partied with some Cajuns on Bourbon Street, Waylon Thibedeaux and Co.. Mary and I both played the washboard on the chest with them and danced to their music. Also, all the beads we came home with we earned. How will remain our secret') so We stumbled home as it was just a several block walk back to the room. We had dodged some hustles and taken by a couple. Mary got a nice hat out of one deal.>Friday we did the Cafe du Monde, French Qtr. market area, Jackson Square, went home and rested and came back in the evening for the beginning of Mary's early Birthday celebration, which was Saturday. Saturday night we had a great seafood dinner in the center of the quarter on the balcony at a 200 year old restaurant. listening to the city sounds of jazz and ships, and the smells of good food. After dinner as we walked by Jackson Square we noticed behind the locked gates of the park several cats ( and I do mean felines) wandering about inside. Soon a couple came up and all these cats came running to the fence. Apparently, these cats have lived in the park at night and different folks feed them on a regular basis. The number of cats has increased since Katrina but this has been going on for some time. Just some Nawlins nuances. We took a long walk back to Bourbon St. and saw a fine Blues Band of Bryan Lee's. After a set we were some tired travelers and made it back to crash and rest up for the long trip back to Michigan.

We enjoyed our little trek very much. Saw places neither of us had seen. Hung out and talked to interesting folks, many from Michigan. The south especially from Indy to Bama seems like they are doing well. Lots of growth. We passed the Hyundai factory,and several others along the way. You can see how much industry has left the north for the warmer climes. We did see lots of folks spending $ though, makes you wonder. On our way our out of NO we saw the areas hardest hit by Katrina and much of it is still as it was after the water receded. Driving on the highway leaving where I know bodies were left and people stranded for days spooked me throughout the trip. Bourbon St. and the French Qtr. area seem to be thriving and making a strong comeback. That was good to see. They are a friendly bunch all over the south. On the way back Mary had dropped her wallet out of her purse at a gas station and a "biker gal" who found it told Mary she turned it in to the store clerk. Whew, that saved us some grief. That was on Mary's birthday too.

So, now back in Michigan where Spring is looking to be slow to move in, we reflect and are recharged and thankful for the opportunities we are fortunate to have, for we did see many along the way that are not as fortunate. Again, count your blessings, ya'll.