Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring it is!

Officially it is now Spring, we have been seeing more sunshine in these parts but few days of really warm. At least our snow is gone.
Some of you may have noticed or will see that I have added my twitter input to the blog. Yes, I have been twitter-patin for a while now. It took me a while of memory searching to remember where I first heard that phrase, twitterpated, and do you remember? Well, I believe it was the wise old owl in Bambi explaining the signs of spring love to the growing buck. Pulled that one out of somewhere and didn't have to google it. Seems appropro for the season. So I twitter very sparingly as I see it is more of a cell-mobile deal than telling people what you are currently doing from your computer at home. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about-much ado about nothing I suppose. I do have two friends in Tonya and Fran. Yeah followers!!
Quick mention that Jazz and I drove up to GR for a three quarters Garage Band reunion with Seaton for some jamming and socializing. We did call NEale the Deale down in Kentucky for a bit of making the Four. I got to play electric drums for the first time and we did remember most of the songs ( that we wrote). Having the Garage Bible there helped with the lyrics.
Other Spring events, of course St. Patrick's Day is one and what a beauty it twas, 72 degrees in Kalamazoo area. Mary met me after work at Harvey's on the Mall downtown and we heard the local band, Belfast Gin, we watched and listened to the mostly twentyish crowd celebrate their pub crawls (literally) around town. Much green beer consumed by those, I stuck to Guinness and Jameson's. We ended the early evening with walking over to dinner at the Old Brewpub. Quite the crowd about town for a Tuesday but everyone was ready for the wonderful weather indeed. Something to celebrate.
Spring will bring with it golf league, outdoor chores, house projects, and gardens-nature do your thing and be!

1 comment:

aks said...

I cannot believe you are on Twitter!!!!! Follow my EE account :)
