Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lighter Longer

Highlights of the last week ( and some low points)
  • did my first stint at an actual food pantry where Loaves and Fishes hands out food. It was somewhat uncomfortable I think for both parties, as you walk through assisting the folks with the # of choices they receive in each food group, then like a good checkout boy taking the cart of groceries with them to the car, trying to keep a sense of dignity in the process.

  • Melvi subbed in golf league in Peter's absence and we did our thing in style.

  • Callie moved out as she is taking over for someone in a sublease deal with her good friend Ashley. Only one load of significance this time. Empty Nester's again are we.

  • Found out we have some termites around house and had to do some wood moving this past weekend and call pest control$

  • Got vegetable garden planted along with some flowers, etc.

  • Enjoyed weekend working round house, burning some infested wood and going out to Bro n Law Joe's lakeside crib Sat. eve. with Jimmy C. for some frivolity round the fire and Mary went out to great fishfry meal and bocce ball Monday where Bro n Law Mike showed (see photo) up along with LL regulars.

  • Had Skype webcall with whole family talking to Ashley K. out east on Sunday. Neat treat to be able to do that.

  • Looking forward to the long days of daylight ahead which are short lived but need to be savored while we have them.

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