Monday, July 13, 2009

Savor the Summertime Blues and Greens


On the road to Fenville with Corby
and Bocce with the boys of summer.

Fresh off last evening's outdoor performance by the Motortone's at Bayview I am Mo-tivated to post something on the blog. It is Monday MOanin for sure, summer is slowly slinking it's way through as we grasp at it's light and warmth. I think the gig went well, gracias to all friends and fam who showed, as usual band had fun in a great summer outdoor environment on Gull Lake. Thanks MO-tones for the chance to jam at rehearsal and last night. Always fun to get silly with the "Revanator".

I have not blogged in a couple weeks, my last entry after MJ's death might of been a bit dark but meaningful to me at least. It sure did not elicit any response but most of my entries go without responses. So far it has been a fairly musical summer-the jam at Clone studios with Ms. Harrison, Shooter and Jazz was fun and broke some new ground with Susan finally making it to the jamsite. The other ML was a gracious host as usual. The 4th of July was close behind, where we spent the weekend in Fennville at the G'nas (also always gracious hosts) hosting friends and family hanging out playing horseshoes, bocce, the annual golf shot competition-Buckley winning again, women that go Saugie shopping, eating great food, celebrating Pat's Biday, masterful ribbing, fireworks and jamming round the campfire. It was good to have Dr. W. Pett join us again for the festivities. Bill "Corby" Corbin rode over on his MO-torcycle from Detroit to Kalamazoo to Fennville (see photo), the first leg of his cross-country journey that will take him up through Canada and to California and back again. Quite the solo trip for a a 58 year old. I admire his adventuresome spirit to go it alone. He called last week from Mt. Rushmore before he headed into Canada -hope rest of trip goes well, continued good weather, meet interesting folks and get some good RnR time.

So the Fourth ended with a bang and a thud for us and many as we headed back home to our routines. I went fishing with bro-in-law Joe C. last Monday evening out to Little Long Lake. Lovely night and caught a keeper sized Pumpkinseed bluegill and few other small bass. Mary and I did get to see the Caron-Duffield Project open the Kazoo Blues Fest Thursday night, which had great weather all weekend so attendance should of been up this year.

On the golf report front, I broke out of my summer slump last week in league and had my best round in weeks. Martin J. asked me to be his partner again in an outing at the Medalist over near Marshall last week. We had fun and hit some decent shots, golfed, ate for free and won a set of screwdrivers to go with my wrenches from last year. What a deal , thanks Martay.

Sum Sum Summertime slips away- the grass growing slows-the gardens demand water, the 'maters are popping out and the long nights slowly retreat their way towards fall. I have my food pantry to go monitor today, cut some grass and finish off my networking letter to see what is out there for me to do, if anything. It is getting on almost a year now since my so called retirement and I am wanting of something more to fill my time. What shall it be?


aks said...

looks like the jammin' was fun at bayview. i meant to comment on your last post - i appreciated the sentiments. MJ's passing is yet another reminder of life's highs and lows, and how complex it all can be...

the day after MJ died, we had tribute dance parties every hour, on the hour. the highlight was the 1pm dance in the warehouse to "thriller." one of my coworkers got a bit on video.


Soloreno's World said...

thanks for your comments, you have a creative fun workforce indeed