Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Post Christmas Post

BoldNO Remiss here for there were MO Happenings after Christmas;

on the 29th of Decemblurr we had the unforgettable but hard to recall CLONE JAM 2009

at Clone Studios somewhere deep in the cold night where "Jammy" Johnny Lewisss, Jimmy "Steel Away" Peeters, Jazzman, Melvi , Delicate MIke D. and others who prefer to remain anonymous made sweet music and sammiches to end the year on a high NOtation and poetic blissness..............shoo wah shooo wahhhh..............

AND NEW Years was spent by Mary and I and Calllie over at the Wiegand Estate. Master Chef Peter, fresh out of his own surgery, cooked steaks and Crab, while we toasted and gamed the night away. Mikey D. showed up too and Margie smiled through it all as we and the under age present (Molly and Co.) stayed up past MidNIght WOW at our age! Happy Happy JOYs Joy to all and to all a great NEW YEAR!

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