Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A great Texas songwriter, Guy Clark writes in his song Stuff That Works, "stuff that works, stuff that holds up, the kind of stuff you don't hang on the wall, stuff that's real, stuff you feel, the kind of stuff you reach for when you fall". In the wake of the earthquakes, tornadoes and flooding in parts of the country and the world I am drawn to think about people's stuff, the important stuff that is lost or found when nature hits in extreme fashion. We buy stuff we think is important and stress over buying just the right thing and stuff we think we need to have and need to build and in an instant it is all blown away or taken away from rising water. What stuff other than each other do we usually look for first after disaster strikes but photographs or some precious memento that reminds of us someone or some place.

What do we have really when all the material stuff is destroyed, what do we cling to in that moment of despair? What is the important stuff, the good stuff after you survive and your neighbor, baby or spouse does not? Will Hope Spring Eternal? What is it about us that makes us want to go on and somehow start over?

My heart goes out to those who happen to be in the way of nature's course at any given moment, may they possess the courage to "get it up again, Amen"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Fateful Brush with Ms. Taylor

I believe it was 1978 the only time I have ever attended the Kentucky Derby, the race was over and the crowd of people were streaming towards the exits. It had been a long day, none of my horses had won and I was tired from a day of partying in the sun on the infield with thousands of crazed people. I was separated from my group and the police were directing traffic out of the inside part of the racetrack. A tan colored Cadillac was being moved through and someone said it was Elizabeth Taylor and there she was sitting in the back seat smiling and waving (that is her shadow in the middle with I think the governor at the time). I stood there next to the car and waved yelling, "I love you Elizabeth!" I then stepped in front of her vehicle and I took a picture. After this moment of fate I ran back to where our motor home was parked in a yard behind Churchill Downs and kept yelling to everyone, "I just saw Elizabeth Taylor". It gave me a second wind for the rest of the night and what a story I had to add to my trip to the Kentucky Derby.

Bless her beautiful soul, may she rest in peace.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


wonder of the morning

wonder of sleep

wonder of dreams

wonder of breathing fresh air

wonder of warm tea and coffee
wonder of nature
wonder of the simple and complex

wonder of love

I have wonderback

this morning

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


a lot to say but not feeling up to writing about

playing the cards we are dealt

seeing the melt down makes me retreat into my

shadowy self

freedom for some means lines at the casino for others

i unfriend myself stuck in a drift of pitiful nonsense

wheels spinning

pushing this ride til my heart explodes

Sunday, January 9, 2011

a night on the frigid town

5o some years on
7 bars walking (some within an entertainment district
4 heads talking
1 new dance floor broke in
0 degrees in the new moon night
1 igroo hip hoppin
(as he passed us by
" no not tonight" I of course said "go ask Alice, I think she'll know"
warm inside a place within the district she said,
"these are my friends from California"
we laughed we weren't really
we were on our way home