Thursday, June 18, 2015

It's About Time, I Feel a Blog Coming On Pt.1

To say it has been an extraordinary several weeks of spring is an understatement. Today my wife Mary just left for work for her last day employed with Kalamazoo Public Schools after 37 years service in various
positions. Mostly as a  paraprofessional working in Special Education or Early Childhood classrooms. Much of the last few weeks has been spent with events and parties for her from the district, PEEP program, her building, the union she was a part of, etc. Today will wind up with one more after work gathering at The Old Dog Tavern. Kudos dear, bring on the next phase.

So as a prelude her final day takes me  back to her turning 60 first week of May, the last weeks of MI winter and our trip to Florida to visit BMad and his love Lee. We had a wonderful brief visit tooling around the waterways of Venice, walking the beach and enjoying the company and the weather. On our return she had a party on her bday at where else ODT in downtown Kalamazoo.So you see already the circular nature of this story already.
My intention/motivation/inspiration for Return of the Blog is the all of life is a circle.  Our celebrations of survival another year, winter, illness, accomplishments etc. Deaths we mourn and attempts to celebrate the lives through memorials while the grief plays on our mindset for a time like a drone soundtrack.

April was slow to warm and my return to golf league after a years sabbatical due to shoulder surgery, Partner Peter took me back in what is a blog story in itself for another time but our first night golfing was warm and I began playing well for a few weeks. There was some nasty weather following where us Roughriders played wimps and ate and drank instead.

I should mention our "anniversary dinner group", Konvalinks, Dilucchios, Wiegands and Symons'  had to move up our usual mid-May celebration to April this year to fit in our night out together which consisted of an Asian Fusion meal at Wild Ginger and music at ODT.

Then first of May was upon us and on May second we were out of the shoot like a Derby Day horse, we were headed to second born, Callan Jean's graduation from Western Mi. University. Celebration in order! After 7 years of up and down struggles, Callie achieved her goal of a teaching degree in Early Childhood Education with hopes of a decent job in some form of education. We celebrated her stick- to-it tiveness and not giving up when it was a struggle with a promised Lobster dinner with beau Andrew, his mom, Mary and myself. Callie made herself proud as well as all of us supporters when she walked across the stage and received that diploma. Her successful intern teaching was done at her old elementary school here out at Gull Lake. (what goes round), where some little ones cried to see her leave. Her next phase beckons. Added note here after dinner we happened to catch  American Pharaoh win the Derby, moving around that track the fastest, setting up the run for Glory for Triple Crown, come what May. Part 2 to come.

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