Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Now What

Now What was the working title of my latest collection of writing but I changed it as I always had Raiding the Icebox lurking. in my files. So Now What? seems appropriate this day after the election, after the pendulum has swung back the other way. After all this Democracy thing is an experiment of just over a couple hundred years that is by no means perfect with no guarantees of longevity. Compared to ancient history we have a ways to go.

As does Shock and Awe, Say No to the Status Quo, and SHAKING ALL OVER! I feel compelled as an observer and writer of sorts to put something down this morning after a not so restful sleep, as I am sure many experienced last night.

I have an urge to do something as dramatic as took place yesterday: sell the house, move somewhere rich and warm, or far off the beaten path, try and make my modest holdings as close and protected as possible.

Then I come back to two words that guide me most days as our world turns: struggle and joy.
Many of us have it better than most of the world's populations. We will always have struggle as part of our existence and if lucky a fair amount of  joy will come to most of us over time, if we let it happen. We cannot look too far down the road but stay in the here and now, ( my second name for book), and know all things must and will pass.

We can plant our own seeds of positivity each day, through thoughts and actions. Take the high road and be our own change. It is going to rain and snow, strong winds will blow, rivers will rise and fall, sun will shine, it is thus and so, the flux and flow.

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