Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Sun No Leaves November

After an abundance of Autumn sunshine we have now had zero sun the last several days, which makes for gloomy outlooks, especially when sitting at home looking out at it or trying to get the last of the leaves to fall so I can remove them this year before the snow hits which is predicted for the weekend. I wish I loved golf as much as some like Too Tall, Melvis or Peter so I would be motivated to play in this weather but I am saving that for the post Thanksgiving golf trip to Tennessee.

Since I last blogged other than the leaf removal, part of which has been made easier with the acquisition of the "well aged and taken care of " Snapper Lawn Tractor from friend JImmy C, I have finished the Janis Ian book, which I enjoyed and related to as a musician, writer and fellow early fifties born boomer. I appreciated Janis' outlook of working through the hard times by keeping the faith. Related to books I failed to mention another book in my name droppers blog that I really enjoyed this summer which Marty let me borrow, "Grit NOise and REvolution: The History of Detroit Rock and Roll", having been there and around for most of that time I found it insightful and entertaining. The MC5 sections and FM radio pieces of the era were quite "right on!"

In recent days I made my first foray into selling something online by posting on "Craig's List". If you haven't used it, it is an amazing way to expose or be exposed to whatever you are looking for including jobs, cars, etc. We are trying to sell Callie's 93 Grand AM and one brief post got me 8-10 emails of interest. Beat phone calls but does take some management of the interested parties. Try selling a car with over 200,000 miles on it, not easy.

Daughter Ashley has used it for years and I believe it helped her find out about current job but I could be mistaken on that and she will let me know I am sure. Bottom Line 2 parties came and drove the car so far and one I have deal with and said he is coming to get it Friday. Ahh- the Internet, where would we be.....

In closing, I watched the Country Music Assoc. awards last night and it is sad to see that realm of country music become such a glam and glitz show and maybe in some ways it always has been just different times but other than a few of them country music is just a world of pop songs with a bit of a twang thrown in here and there-but it's what the people seem to want so the radio stations, record execs., etc give the people what they want, watered down tunes. Most of popular music radio is that way I suppose; "Stumbling Drunk or Just Another Hokey Song #34, would never have a chance.

In closing, my "outlook" is somewhat colored these days by our recent visits to friend Martha in hospice. She seems to be hanging on to life because she has always believed in living life to it's fullest even after the crap she was sometimes dealt. Her family is strong and I pray for them and Martha to see the light through these tough times.
Ya'll keep the faith too now, thanks for checking in on the recent life and times.


Grandma Bev said...

Hi son,
I sure have to agree with your latest blog. I've been trying to keep up with the trillions of little leaves from my neighbor's locust tree that fall in my driveway. Never ending task.
As far as the CMA awards, I agree that new country doesn't feel like country. That's why the radio in my new Dodge is tuned to Sirius radio where I can listen to Old Country, Outlaw Country, Bluegrass, or Margaritaville.
Keep the blogs coming so I can see how well you are behavin. Ha Ha
Love ya, Dad

aks said...

Yes, I have used Craig's List for many things, from selling a car to getting a job.

See you soon.