Friday, February 27, 2009

Ready to Vacate:

A Word or 2 before we leave for the south. I am ready for a change from the day to day retired way and Mary is ready for a change from her scene at work. Both ready to see Flora/ALAbama/Louisiana coastal region. Has to be warmer than the 15 degrees it is supposed to be tonight and into the Michigan March. LOoking forward to a trip away from the daily news and routines. A traveling antidote of hopes. The review(s) upon return.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Name Droppin Moanday

OK, another version of Name Dropper coming at you. Since I last wrote Jazz and I made it over to the Clone Studios and did some recording. Jazzman laid down some bass tracks to the Surf Song while I drank wine and Melvis worked his studio wizardry. When it came time for me do my vocal part I couldn't quite get it all right. (Try again next time). I also had plans that night to try and catch friend Susan performing down at Martini's new and improved performing area upstairs. Jazz caught up with me down there amidst the inclement weather. It was an enjoyable hour plus with Susan and band providing the entertainment. Friday was soon upon us and Susan and Michael invited us over for a delicious dinner and after we decided to head out to friend Dana's Sauna as Mary and I had never made to one of these Friday night rock heated events before. It was a fun, refreshing night as various other friends were present which provided a pore and more cleansing experience. It was a snowy but safe ride home.

Saturday, of course, was St.Valentines Day and Mary and I had a most enjoyable stimulus package plus evening home. I fixed her dinner, we listened to Lucinda Williams latest songs (her gift), we watched Vicki Christina Barcelona and had a warm cherry wood fire. The photo should say it all or most of it. Strawberries and Champagne are in there somewhere. So some great mid-winter festivities on the way to spring. Mary and CAllie are now counting the days til our trips south begin. Gulf Coast here we come. R U Ready Don and Bev?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Thoughts (not Things) About Me or Not

  • Realizing I am home too much when I feel bad about missing Regis and Kelly in the morning if I sleep later than usual.

  • Feeling sorry for the Italian Chef in the Bertolli Lasagna commercial because no one is coming to his restaurant

  • Anyone can get on the Internet and spew out things, factual or not, that is American alright;) and many will automatically believe it.

  • An old favorite of mine: We never know what anyone is really thinking or feeling about us, even those closest to us, it is just the way it is and the way we are. No matter how they may act when they are in our presence.

  • There are people out there doing good, volunteering for those with less fortunate conditions. I have met some recently at meetings where I intend to join them.

  • From a song I wrote Temptation, " Budget Cuts mean nothing to me for I have none". (1981)

  • Or from song Private Sector during same year, " Since WW11 it's been all you, you and yours, you count the money keep in black, we do the chores".

  • Ok, so this is only a few random thoughts. I ran out of intellectual gas. I am not sure if you are interested in 25 things about me or anyone else that you may or may not know about.

  • I am only willing to go so far telling all or saying what I think on this blog. ( Scardy cat).
  • The Best thing about Valentine's Day reminds us we should be loving one another with actions not that we have to do something or necessarily buy something for someone.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More of the Same?

It has been a couple of weeks since the Inauguration and the honeymoon seems to be over for the new administration. We have seen the Super Bowl and Groundhog Day come and go, the weather continues to be cold and snowy here in these parts. Many of those who can have left for the south or west for the winter yet many of us stay here in the frigid yet picturesque north.

Politics and the economy seem to be showing us more of the same as the poly parties dig in their heels for the fight for the fix of the country. I want to remain hopeful but not working myself and seeing the lack of possibilities for employment, watching the news (too much I am sure), I sense a real change in expectations for lifestyles for the middle class. The Reality becoming much closer to doing less with less. Our SuperPower being a Super Mess.

Now, I do see some reason to be positive; the sun has been out frequently amidst the recent cold, the are mornings bright, the days remaining lighter longer, wife and I should be getting a decent tax return in the next month or so, I hope to start doing some volunteering soon, Mary and I are planning a trip south to visit my parents in Alabama in March, Callie is doing well in her new semester in school, and things seem to be improving for Ashley and her job, so I can't really complain for the day to day but the overall picture is just tough to not be really concerned about. So, for the next month I will keep pursuing leads for volunteering, work, keep my cooking coming, enjoying hanging out and soaks in the hot tub with Mary and with friends like Corrie and Betsy (fun evening), get the music going again, check out the museums, keep making myself write, read, watch interesting movies, comfort the aged (dogs and all), and remember to think and dream of the positive that could happen along the way.
Help me now and dig that crazy Betty Boop seeking a snowy shelter from the storm;)