Monday, February 16, 2009

Name Droppin Moanday

OK, another version of Name Dropper coming at you. Since I last wrote Jazz and I made it over to the Clone Studios and did some recording. Jazzman laid down some bass tracks to the Surf Song while I drank wine and Melvis worked his studio wizardry. When it came time for me do my vocal part I couldn't quite get it all right. (Try again next time). I also had plans that night to try and catch friend Susan performing down at Martini's new and improved performing area upstairs. Jazz caught up with me down there amidst the inclement weather. It was an enjoyable hour plus with Susan and band providing the entertainment. Friday was soon upon us and Susan and Michael invited us over for a delicious dinner and after we decided to head out to friend Dana's Sauna as Mary and I had never made to one of these Friday night rock heated events before. It was a fun, refreshing night as various other friends were present which provided a pore and more cleansing experience. It was a snowy but safe ride home.

Saturday, of course, was St.Valentines Day and Mary and I had a most enjoyable stimulus package plus evening home. I fixed her dinner, we listened to Lucinda Williams latest songs (her gift), we watched Vicki Christina Barcelona and had a warm cherry wood fire. The photo should say it all or most of it. Strawberries and Champagne are in there somewhere. So some great mid-winter festivities on the way to spring. Mary and CAllie are now counting the days til our trips south begin. Gulf Coast here we come. R U Ready Don and Bev?

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