Tuesday, May 12, 2009


In the last week:

Had to put this in for Mickley as he felt he "let me have one" at golf league. I won the closest to the hole weekly event prize as I was the only one who wrote my name down on the stick even though I was on the fringe, not on the green. No one made it on in two apparently. Technicality, but the closest on the card. I used my winnings for a good cause. I will leave it at that.

Last week with the big shooters at Yarrow, I won 3 skins, only five were won. Plus a birdie , so golf is paying off so far this year. Have to believe it's partly due to the golf in the kingdom philosophy from the book I read, which I have tried to incorporate into my game. Keeping it fun and in the moment. Toddly and I had fun riding together and hanging out.
Saturday was the mail carriers food drive, and I volunteered with many others in sorting the food when the driver/carriers brought the food into the different sites. I also was asked to take photos of the event. Tiring, inspiring and fun to be a part of. It was good to see families volunteering together. Great to see the community giving so much in the tough times.

Sunday of course was Mothers Day, and cards were sent out , handed out, calls made. Ashley gave Mary and I a gift certificate for Mom's, Dad's days and our anniversary at Food Dance restaurant so Callie, Mary and I shared in it. We called Ashley and thanked her for the fine meal. We all lamented that she could not be there.
Last night Mary and I did our first webcam call with Ashley in Boston. It was cool almost like being there in person. Look forward to more of those calls. Free too!

Gorgeous day today, cut grass-made some calls. Looks like things are set for the Anniversary Limo ride, dinner trip to Saugatuck on Friday night. Will report on that in next blog.


Mick said...

It's all good Solo!...you are definitely the man!...it was a tough night - you earned it...and your generosity was quite noble. Have a blast at the show, tell the band I said hey...and slide me a bootleg pic/video/audio!

Soloreno's World said...

thanks for comments JMick-don't get to many these days-now read up on the goods of the night