Friday, January 3, 2014

Once in a Lifetime: The Wedding Day, Pt..2

So it was almost 4PM and time for the ceremony to start, the DJ was in place playing tunes from Ashley's Playlist as folks took their seats, flowers were put on grandparents and all was good to go.
Up to this point I have attempted to put in details I could remember about these few days last summer. To finish up I will try and give more of my fatherly perspective in this last wedding post.
As Mary and I waited our turn to bring Ashley down the aisle I watched as my Dad and Beverly, Callie, Jenny (Sherry's sister) and Sherry's parents, Tony and Tracy, escorted her, went down and took their places, Sherry was now in place as was Rada, both ready to begin the ceremony. I was telling myself to breathe, take in as much of the moment as I could, not rush it, advice I also had given Ashley but when the theme music from A Princess Bride began it all became a blur as Moose told us it was our turn to proceed. One of my favorite photos someone took is one from this moment as we step off the porch, Ashley between Mary and I, my tentative grip on Ashley a sign she was still our first born but we would soon be letting go of her to wed her best friend, who by this time upon seeing Ashley was tearing up pretty good as was most of those in attendance. Mary and I breezed her down the aisle turning her loose, all exchanged hugs and took our seats. Ceremony was emotional for all, short and sweet, the sisters read a traditional Chinese blessing and Callie spoke it in English. I read an original something, Not Just Any Someone,  Ashley had asked me to contribute. I kept it together pretty well explaining how 9 months earlier my prayer in back of the ambulance asking to make it to this day, and welcoming our two families journey together. From here Ashley and Sherry read their vows to one another, Rada worked her magic and a marriage was made. All of this kicking off an atmosphere of jubilation among the witnesses that seemed as if to address a shared humanness between two individuals, their community of friends, and their families saying a love is a love, what is the big deal America?  (link to more pics)

 Ashley and Sherry would make their way back down the aisle to enthusiastic applause and cheers as the crowd made there way back over to the barn abuzz with how special the ceremony was. Now I know everyone believes this wedding or that one was the most beautiful, etc. but as several folks who we spoke with right after and just recently said there was something extra special about this day, both wedding and reception. Whether it was the historic location, the little touches with attention to detail or the significance of two females declaring their love for one another and seeing their family and friends benevolence for the event that made it so special.

From here I am going to share some brief highlights for me of the reception and remainder of the evening.

Reception highlights:
some of the Ashley's happy dancing family
Newlyweds entrance into barn: After pictures with immediate family
and post wedding shots Ashley and Sherry made their way into the back entrance of the barn to more applause where the celebrating had begun.
Toasts: Each of the 3 toasts were special in their own way. One from Hilary, giving a brief history of the relationship and her friendship with Sherry, one from Sherry's mom which prompted more tears as she welcomed Ashley into their family, and Cousin Erin, which brought the most tears to me as she recalled her and Ashley's evolving friendship over the years.
Traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony:A special ceremony Ashley and Sherry had with Sherry's family out back of barn in a gazebo sharing tea and receiving of gifts from Tony and Tracey and family.
Dances:Sherry's mom danced with Sherry to "Sherry Baby" by 4 Seasons as everyone joined in and I had my Daddy-Daughter dance moment to "Love Me Tender" by Elvis. Moments I will always treasure as I look at photographs and see how tenderly we are both holding one another, careful to not step on toes:). Had to be close to one of most photographed moments of the day.
Friends lifting Sherry and Ashley on their shoulders:A special moment at the end of their first dance together particularly for the friends who had been a part of  and seen this relationship grow. 
Grandpa dancing w. maracas:My dad at 82 dancing with daughter Callie with my maracas in his hands to Bob Seger.
Dancing and general spirit of reception:the spirit of of the dance took off from where the Bridal dances left off. It was if the DJ and dance floor had been transposed from a bar in Boston area to Peabody with everyone doing their patented moves and then some such as Mary P. who's headstand was a personal highlight.I had brought my bag of musical tricks, maracas and tambourines to add to the beat. They were kept busy most of the night pushing the dancers to exhaustion.
Photo booth:Most weddings and special parties these days provide photo booths for a special touch; as only can be evidenced by seeing the pics everyone seemed to partake and enjoy a chance of posing with their group or significant other. The group shot near the end of the night was a testament to all of those taking part. Did I say men must of been outnumbered like 5 to 1?
After party:Many of those present were staying somewhere in Salem so an after party was in order as the night was still fairly young after so many pitched in to do take down and pack up. So off to the Salem Waterfront Hotel pub we would take the party. Even my Dad and Bev hung out as did Karen, Kathy, Luke, Jeanne, Erin, BMad and Deb and numerous other friends continued their chants and shouts out to the newly wedded. Some participants carried on they should in their rooms well beyond last call.
Drive back:After a late breakfast in Salem with many of Ashley's friends Callie, Mary and I were off headed for home. Andrew would end up getting a ride to airport from BMad and spend some time with him listening to BMad's short stories:) We ended up picking up cousin Sharon near Cleveland the next day where she was dropped off by the UP car saving them an out of the way trip. also, on the way back we learned my brother's heart surgery went well and he was resting in recovery. Erin was on her way there to Detroit with my Dad, Bev,and Jeanne to be with him. Dennis, Grandma and Jo were missed but would relive it through pictures and remembrances like this.

So there you have it my Once in a Lifetime recap of a wonderful few days in many folks lives. I am sure everyone took something different away from this time and would tell their own unique tales. This is mine. In a new year, another chance at a new beginning I dedicate this to Ashley Kay, my first born and always ready risk taker with Dad, whether down a snowy hill, an ice rink, driving a golf cart or on a roller coaster and her best friend, partner, and wife Sherry. They made so much of these days special for Mary, Callie and I and so many others, and for that thanks. Now they are able to continue to work together creating their lives. Fortunate we all are to have been a part of such an event. Recognizing that slowly and eventually our world will come to realize that mature love for another and wanting to legally be a pair and pursue hopes and dreams together is just a function and desire of being human.     


Unknown said...

After the wedding, many people told Sherry and I that it was obvious that we surround ourselves with a community that truly loves and supports us - that you could just FEEL it. I couldn't agree more. Love you all!

Grandma Bev said...

Yes, Ashley, you could FEEL it. Love truly was the reason the wedding day was so special, the love that supported, the love that was given, the love that was received and the love that was taken. The love permeated our skin and buried itself in the deepest parts of our souls, and then exploded in a celebration that literally took our breath away.

Soloreno's World said...

lovely sentiments indeed

Unknown said...

Here's to the first full year of marriage and your happy ever after girls! so much love! xoxoxo