Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's About Time, I Feel a Blog Coming On, Part 3. Movin On Past the Past

Good sleeping was difficult from thoughts of all the happenings and hallmarks of life lived. As I lay in bed the drone like sound of a lawnmower, cutting through the thick grasses from this rain filled spring plows on.What will I speak to at the memorials coming up about my friends, their lives? The evening of Jazzy Jeff and Jazzman's deaths was a golf league night. No question game should go on. I even went out early to play a 9 before and  it turned out to be only golf Peter and I played as an unpredicted, cool steady rain and wind began. Instead I would toast a Jameson's out of my flask in my golf bag, a couple of Oberon's at Thornnapple lounge and off to see if I can track down Martin J. and others at Richland Pub where I guessed other friends of Jeff would be meeting. There were about 6 others at a packed Pub where we would try and process the latest in too soon demises. We did our best.
Jeff Lambert's Memorial service was on the Saturday after his passing where many friends and family gathered in Richland. Several folks spoke and I played a short tune on a harmonica Jeff had given me several years before. Marty offered to host an impromptu wake at his place nearby where we all shared sentiments with one another and Jeff's family. It was a pleasant afternoon of toasts and a fond farewell the man from Lake Odessa.

Jim Miller's service would not be til the following weekend. Jim would have a more formal morning service at St. Luke's Episcopal in downtown Kalamazoo where he attended and was involved in church business, Also participating on this day would be The Masonic Order as Jim was a member of The Masons. I was able to speak about the James Alan Miller I knew but was asked to be brief so I did what I could sharing just a glimpse into the simple complexities of Jimmy Jazz. I even lead those in attendance in the chorus of Jazz's song Tourist Town. Jim's family was very much in mourning and grieving as were the rest of us. We all said so long to the man from Grand Haven. After a luncheon and out into the overcast and rainy day Mary and I had to shift gears and head out to Detroit for my brother Dennis' surprise 60th birthday.
My brother's party was to be a surprise planned by his daughter Erin, who lives in San Francisco. I was conserving my energy from a long day already so Mary drove through torrential downpours half the way there. Flooded highways and dark gray skies were not going to stop us as we plowed through making it there in time before 6:30 to Buca di Beppo, a really unusual, cool Italian place on the near Northeast side of suburban Detroit. Dennis was duly surprised as he and JoEllen arrived and a wonderful, celebratory night was shared as all our parents were there along with brothers and sisters, Dennis' son Marshall, and close friends and coworkers. Erin was accompanied by her new beau Scott who was meeting us all for the first time. What made this even more special was the fact that Denny was just approaching 2 years since his triple bypass open heart surgery. It was a special night Erin made happen. Denny and I both saw 60 after our heart episodes.

The following weekend on June 6 we would attend a wedding of Callie's longtime friend Ashley out here in Gull Lake, another grand occasion on a lovely setting and afternoon.While at the wedding reception Callie's boyfriend Andrew came over to me and said did you hear about the horse race? I said no what ? American Pharaoh completed her historic run and won The Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown.Yes! That horses' magic ride to glory was a joy to follow.
 On Father's Day weekend we would head back to Detroit to meet up with cousin Judy and Tim. They live in Oregon and Tim had never been east of Mississippi. They did a whirlwind tour of Pure MI. Downtown Detroit and up north being highlights.They made diner for my Mom, her Auntie, Bro Den and JoEllen, Mary and I. It was fun sharing family memories and making new ones.
On Fathers Day we would get up and go over to my Dad and Bev's early for some love before we would head back to Richland as Callie was putting together a meal for us and we were scheduled to Skype with Ashley later in evening.
Last weekend of June would bring about a couple of late June celebrations. Both somewhat unexpected and long overdue. One on Friday June 26th the day marriage made history and was made legal for all. Mary and I were in downtown Kalamazoo  in Bronson Park for a while witnessing wedding ceremonies take place and  joining others in rejoicing the decision. Oddly enough it was almost to the day that we witnessed daughter Ashley and Sherry's wedding in Salem, Mass.two years prior.The last time inspiration struck me to blog again. Mary and I continued celebrating visiting Boatyard Brewing and Bell's Eccentric Cafe for rest of the evening.
On Saturday a reunion with an old friend Steve D. whom I met as a dorm mate at Western in 1971. We got to meet his significant one, Clare in a reunion at Ron and Con's. It had been 30 some years since we had seen one another. They reside in NYC and were headed out west for the Summatime. Dave P. my roommate in that dorm showed up catching up on life since last we all were together. With great friends it is always same as it ever was

  1. Today is June 30, Ashley and Sherry's 2 year anniversary. Now throughout the USA as we approach Independence Day other couples can plan and take part in events like we did with Ashley and Sherry, their friends and families 2 years ago.  As I write the SW MI region just experienced its second earthquake in 2 months the first coming on Callie's graduation day, the start of this blog. Extraordinary events? Indeed!

So much has taken place. As I can see now, most of it in celebrations, rejoicing our milestones and accomplishments and lives well lived. Mine is not such an extraordinary tale, all of our lives have this ebb and flow. So  many reasons to celebrate. I see it in just the last week in all the anniversaries of friends. The sweet sounds of summer, birds chirping and humans singing, as Joni Mitchell would say lawns hissing, beating drums, here and now all help to drown out the drone noise of dread.

 The sky cries but hasn't fallen. The rain falls but moves on. When life pushes
we need not retreat but accept and adjust, move on past the past, suffering and struggle are part of the same life-death package, We are here now, let us live it and love it while we can.    Sreno 


Unknown said...

so insight Steve.....always enjoy your thoughts and today, concerning Jeff. Your eulogy to him was videotaped and it was memorable, by the way.

Soloreno's World said...

appreciate your feedback

David said...

Earthquakes/ fracking.