Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday Moanin'....

Bob Talbert, who wrote for the Detroit Free Press when I was growing up in Detroit, had a column on Monday Mornings which he titled MondayMoanin, and just wrote down musings from the weekend which usually were interesting and sometimes insightful, I can only strive for that here. Bob has since passed away.
Here are my moanins on this Monday;
-the election, last day to register today-good to hear that Bruce Springsteen is playing in Ypsi today to promote and get out the vote.
-the talk on newshows is "Saturday Night Live", good to see so many folks watching these parodies of the candidates debate.
-I have a hard time watching the debates as the moderators seem to find it hard to keep the debaters on point with questions so they let them pontificate instead.
-world markets plunge and you wonder who really does know what is going on with it all?
what is that line from my song, Temptation, " where did all the money go?....."
-Our weekend-Art Hop happening Friday in Kalamazoo-so many talented friends and folks on display-as we search for the free wine and cheese-ended up groovin to the bluesin of Crossroads Band on the Mall with the Fall chill coming down
-Saturday, makin sure my new grass is still a growin, Mary and I dressing up for a spendid heartfelt wedding with the reception at the Kal. C.C., on an awesome sunny fall day, overlooking the lake there, sharing cocktails and hordourves with the family and friends-Ashley calls from Boston and talked a bit more bout her trip-cocoa leaves and the altitude there and as we speak a hawk flies over the lake, adding a little extra kick to the accumulating euphoria of the afternoon. The dinner and dancing were a blast-the Dopp's do know how to throw a party, and as Marty and I come in from an trip outside the new moon is rising and inside the 96 year old patriarch of the family is surrounded by women trying to get a dance with him-ahh what we all can hope usual the "bag of tricks-is a percussive hit".
-and Sunday, papers to read, grass to cut, root against the Lions and I win again as they of course lose another, make dinner and count the blessings as Mary, Callie and I sit down to some BBQ.

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