Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rainy Day Blog #1

a day after a fine golfing day at yarrow, a rainy day morning it is.
economic news fills the airways like the the rain sitting in the puddles in the driveway so....

it leads me to believe the that the terrorism in grrrreeeed that is within us is among the worst kind of terror that we possess, another way to dominate by fear that western civilization has cultivated along with our other cash crops. do we all buy and sell and who gets the credit?
who gets the blame? who gets the spoils?
It is a part of all of us, the need to be the boss with the power, have the bigger house, not knowing when to say when or push away from the table, or want to make all the money we can but for what?where is the love? the beatles sang it, " money can't buy you love"
but maybe the leader of a country?

ok, enough of that for now, it is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

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