Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rain Droppin Name Dropper Day

Hey Ho last Day of April and Spring is bringing down the rains on the plains around us. Grass is growing crazy green and the blooms and buds are a happenin. My Dad says he reads with interest all the places Mary and I seem to go and people we see so I write this with him in mind.
He just turned 78 in April and looking pretty darn good.
I talked about the computer crashing and getting a new laptop, well now I have worked some of the new features in our tech arsenal. Sister Jeanne and daughter Ashley kept saying you have to get "wireless", "can't believe you don't have it". Well after spending over 2 hours on telephone with a service tech from the Linksys router guys we are hooked up 'wireless'. It only cost $10.00 compared to $100+ if Comcast did it. It is nice to stay upstairs and check out email, etc. Callie really appreciates it as it makes her Facebook "work" much easier and warmer. I also got the 'old" PC fixed so we have options for photo storage, etc. The new PC has many applications I am just learning about; like laser writing on CD's, webcam, and video making.
I also got a new cell phone as my contract was up and we needed Bluetooth to get the hands free working in our sync equipped vehicle. So that is kind of cool having a call come in and just pressing a button on the steering wheel and you're talking with someone, 'Hands free", so yes, the marvels of technology continue to complicate our lives and add more stuff to do.
Got a new cool SureThing label maker from Melvis too that we are doing the Surf Song labels with.
We have had 2 weeks of golf league already now. First week was pretty nippy, last night a tad warmer. First week I won the skin pot all by self-$38 with a birdie. Improved on strokes last night by five shots over first week.
Last weekend I did my first community volunteering event for Loaves and Fishes down at the Rave theater. It was during the movie The Soloist and it was both a fundraiser and canned food collection spot. We gave away totes with KSO CD's along with information on the program and hunger, etc. Their was a cellist from the Kalamazoo Symphony playing music from the movie the whole time with a hat out for donations. We did quite well and I enjoyed the time I spent with Maya, my co-volunteer at the time. Thanks to all those that donated. Looking forward to the postal workers fund drive next weekend sorting food after it is collected.
Last Friday, Mary and I met up with Mike and Susan at MiRanchito for dinner before we went to see Dave Alvin perform at KVCC. It was old pal's Dave Posther's ( organizes) last show of the season there. Lots of good guitar playing and good song writing of the Bakersfield, California Americana folk sound.
Then Saturday night we went Ms. Munger's PHD party down at the Kalamazoo Radission. Greta and Sarah were gracious hosts providing music, wine, beer and chow for their family and friends. I even had fun as I took the musical bag of tricks and my djembe to jam along with the guys playing tunes. Congrats again Greta on your accomplishment! I also got to see several of my 'ole" work colleagues whom I miss seeing.
So, that takes me up to last day of April and tomorrow May Day and Derby Day on Saturday.
May has historically been one of the busiest times of the year for us and most others. We have Ashley's birthday, Mothers Day, our Wedding Anniversary, gardening, etc. going on. Just no end of year school related activities for me this year but Mary will have some I am sure.
Enjoy your Spring and I will return soon with What's Happening up in here 'round Reno's World.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Since Easter=Name Drop, Egg Droop Sloop

Since last we spoke: Corby came over from Detroit for his annual Kalamazoo Blues Fix with Tab Benoit this year. Hot cajun rockin with a pre-show dinner at the Greek estab. Blue Dolphin.
We caught up on all the past months happenings with our families and friends. He was gone by noon on Sat. morn. My housesitting ended at the same time as the Wiegands returned from their Far Out West vacation.
Mary and I chilled out a couple Saturday's in a row being frugal and filling our Netflix obligations by watching "Rachel Getting Married" and "Milk". Two of the best acting jobs last year albeit kind of depressing but thought provoking movies. The will of the human spirit portrayed brilliantly.
Let's see last week, mid-week, celebrated Petey's birthday golfing out at Angel's Crossing on a cool but sunny day, increasingly warming as it went on. Jeff Caron from down the Schoolcraft way joined us as did Pete's nephew DW. Should I mention I was medalist in our group? Too late already did-90. The others were not far behind. Pete and I had to rush to our golf league meeting at Wayside where a there was a record turnout making some tough decisions, such as how many points should we play for;) J. Mickley did a fine job keeping things in some order.The guys were all in rare, sarcastic form with each other and Pete and I had couple of drinks and headed up stairs to hang with Jerry C. and his bros., literally. Finally, met the 4th Cox brother. Pete left and I watched them play pool til TC showed and the golfing wind and sun of the day told me to head home. First night of scheduled play this Wed. Everyone having fingers crossed for playable weather.
Friday I golfed again with the Lights Out Fryday crew out at GL Stonehedge S. Only five of us there but a more gorgeous day would of been hard to come by. Melvi, Timmy, Toddly, PB, and myself went head to head for the big $. Tim was medalist with an 83, I had 88. All won skins so the pot was depleted but great golfing day. Mary came up to Bayview Gardens after for an after work cocktail and Jimmy C. showd up. We ended up having dinner at Blackhawk and caught a set of the Kal. Avenue Blues Band at he Stagecoach out back. Again I was TIRED from the winds of the course and true gravity had me up and down all day. This comes from a book I am reading written thirty some years ago, Golf in the Kingdom by Michael Murphy. An instructional philosophical walk through golfs many facets. I have been enjoying it, who knows maybe it will help my game in some fashion.
So I did Twitter the news of my computer crash but I now sit here with a new laptop on my lap typing the first blog in this format. Feels kind of good. No wireless yet but I intend to get that hooked up next. Ashley says I will love it.
I mentioned a while back I would say something about my volunteering activities and they are now starting to present me with some opportunities. The local food bank Loaves and Fishes has asked me to assist with some curriculum and community education things so we have had a few meetings regarding that with L n F staff. I also be at the premiere of The Soloist this weekend at The Rave handing out materials on hunger, etc. There will be several events coming up this spring which I will be participating in, so come on out and take part. Oh Yes- wanted to say that Melvis has finished production work on Surf Song II and has it is in the can! Copies will soon be available. I think EARTH DAY is a fitting day for it to debut as one of the themes is our relations with Mother Nature. It was a fun project over the fall and winter, thanks all for your time and effort. Especially, ML. It was a blast , blast , blast....
OK, no pictures with this post as I do not have any on this computer yet. So til next time, keep your inner swing smooth and steady.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Name Droppin Odds and Ends of Recency

    Went to Mancelona and left my cell phona (it twas niece Lilly's #7 Birthday) Mom, Dorothy, Sisters Sue and Sheryl, wife Mary, Cardman and some other Lilly friends were there too.

    1. Drove homa from Mancelona and almost slip slided away as it snowed overnight big time. (thanks again Suze for the quick mailing of my phone home;)
    2. Met ol chums, the Harmons, for dinner at Charlie Fosters and gave them a quick downtown walking tour of changes. They now reside outside of Chicago. Son Austin looking at WMU after graduation.
    3. Went to Wine Loft and then saw Susan H. playing last Friday at Websters checking off places from Jimmy C.'s Kalamazoo list. Saw Judy C., Jamie, Jazzman, Tom Duffield, of course Mikey D.
    4. Saturday I went to Jimmy C.'s for the First Final Four games; made Hurricanes and got Doster store pizza. Sparty did the job that night. Made some celebratory phone calls and texts.
      Over the last week been house sitting some pets for some peeps. Uh oh power outage
    5. Mary's been preppin and painting couple rooms in the house-she's so good at it I get in the way (really).
    6. Jazz came over to the house sitting pad for the BIGGAME and we all know how that turned out. Nice soak under the sunset and moonlight.

    Stay tuned for the Eastah holiday weekend news and more name-a-droppin tidbits.