Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Name Droppin Odds and Ends of Recency

    Went to Mancelona and left my cell phona (it twas niece Lilly's #7 Birthday) Mom, Dorothy, Sisters Sue and Sheryl, wife Mary, Cardman and some other Lilly friends were there too.

    1. Drove homa from Mancelona and almost slip slided away as it snowed overnight big time. (thanks again Suze for the quick mailing of my phone home;)
    2. Met ol chums, the Harmons, for dinner at Charlie Fosters and gave them a quick downtown walking tour of changes. They now reside outside of Chicago. Son Austin looking at WMU after graduation.
    3. Went to Wine Loft and then saw Susan H. playing last Friday at Websters checking off places from Jimmy C.'s Kalamazoo list. Saw Judy C., Jamie, Jazzman, Tom Duffield, of course Mikey D.
    4. Saturday I went to Jimmy C.'s for the First Final Four games; made Hurricanes and got Doster store pizza. Sparty did the job that night. Made some celebratory phone calls and texts.
      Over the last week been house sitting some pets for some peeps. Uh oh power outage
    5. Mary's been preppin and painting couple rooms in the house-she's so good at it I get in the way (really).
    6. Jazz came over to the house sitting pad for the BIGGAME and we all know how that turned out. Nice soak under the sunset and moonlight.

    Stay tuned for the Eastah holiday weekend news and more name-a-droppin tidbits.


    aks said...

    what rooms are being painted and what colors? did callie protest? :P

    Soloreno's World said...

    living room, dining room mainly- she doth not protest as long as she can goeth to the couch and assumeth her position for napping;)
    colors are the infamous beige and dark blue accordingly.

    aks said...

    you'll have to post photos of the finished paint jobs.