Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fish Fish Fishin and Eat Eat Eatin

I cast a line for fish more this year than in quite some time and actually caught some keepers this summer.
This past Saturday after bro-in-law Joe C. set me up with a line, sinker, reel and rod I was good to go out to Jerry and Rene's annual end of summer fish camp north of Delton on some private land.
Jerry and Rene are partners in our golf league together and have extended this invitation for several years and I never made it. This year it did not interfere with the Wheatland fest so I went. It was way out in the boonies as they say and I found it without too problem getting there around 3. It is a guys who love to fish fantasy camp. With all sorts of food, fishing and fun. Many of these guys have known each other for a long time or are related. A few of the guys I have known for several years from golf league like Big E. and Tommy Cox and I know you have to be thick skinned and be able take a joke or two when hanging with them.
After chewing on some steak that Big E. cooked up for lunch, we hung around the campfire having some beers, listening to football, joking around til about 5:30 when we headed out for some big bass. I went out with Jerry and Rene and we didn't catch any big ones but we had fun trying and it was again a beautiful evening. I did manage to catch the biggest one in our boat but nothing near the 4-5 pounders others would bring in. When we got back it was bout dark and the fun escalated as Rene got the fryer heated up and Jerry got the batter going. In no time there was fried onion rings, mushrooms and tons of fish ready to chow. By the time I was ready to follow Brother Bob Cox out of camp and back home it was almost 11. I had another sweet summer experience that I am glad I finally got to share with these boys from Mattawan.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

that was the Wheatland that was.......

I had said I wasn't going to go to the Wheatland Music Festival this year. Last year was a so-so experience and I was ready for a break after 8 years or so. That was until friend Susan asked if I would like to join her and Dana again on the Kids Stage to accompany her in her show. I had enjoyed some of the groups performing this year on previous occasions so I said yes, why not. After all the travel plans were worked out I was riding up early on Thursday with Michael, Susan, and their son Nathan as we pulled the Palamazoo trailer behind us. Performers can get in early which makes for getting prime camping spots. Mary would come up later on Friday bringing most of our stuff. I would take the tent for my first night solo sleeping. Thursday night before the festival is special and unique. You have this "place to ourselves" feeling like when you are in a huge house you don't often get to stay at. I took some before shots without any of the cars, tents and campers set up and later would take some after or during shots showing the difference. There is a special pot luck for Kids Hill performers like us Thursday night and there is jamming and some chow to consume. Last year it rained and was confined, this year it was great weather and the music was outside, and the kids got to explore the stuff on kids hill. Sister Suzanne, Lily and Little Kim got to come and participate. It was Suze's first time to get in on a Thursday, thanks to cousin Sharon's generosity of the parking pass. She got prime location in DeDannon and got to hang out in the Performers Area. WHoa!! Well, Thursday ended in the usual mellow prefest fun mode, I think I was hugging a shower bladder at the end of the night. Missed my woman((. Ask Mick and he will tell you all about it I am sure. Trick and Peggy joined us Friday as the spaces began filling up after the land rush of campers came pouring in through the gates. Mary was soon to follow. Coming down Pierce Road to the front gates is a special thing with the familiar sights and smells of festival and the farmlands all around. You get a twinge of excitement ever year as you head to the area you want to set up at. From here I will just say that the rest of the weekend was full of sweet weather, great music, jamming, dancing, many laughs, some special moments with family and friends, and our two shows with Susan and the Palamazoo crew went off successfully. Some of the performers that stuck out were Ruthie Foster, Deliah DeWylde and the Lost Boys, The Wilders, DeTamps Antan, The Radiators and many more that filled in the musical cornucopia that is Wheatland. Yes, this turned out to be one of the top 3 that I have attended in the last 8-9 years. I am glad I decided to go and thank Susan, Mary and friends for encouraging me to do so. See ya next year???

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No Labor on Little Long

casting for something into the depths from afloat
the sun sinks slowly
into a sky that oozes a mesh of reds yellows blues and oranges
relections on glass for water three boats merge as one
to greet the moonrise on the other side
dual moons take us back to shore where darkness
waits for fire

Sister Was Home

Have to do some catching up here on summer activities as the season begins to wane. Daughter/Sister/Friend Ashley Kay was home for a quick visit and be an attendant in her longtime friend Corey's wedding the last weekend of August. Ashley had not been home since last Christmas so the reunion with her was important to family and friends. She was busy with pre-wedding activities but we did manage to eke out some quality time with her and her traveling companion, Jessica. Mary and I did attend the wedding and reception, which was a very nice affair in downtown Kalamazoo at the new Cityscape Event Center. Being the proud parents. of course we thought Ashley was the best looking bridesmaid, ( see photos) no slight to any of the others.
We left the reception a bit early to take part in the MOtortones last summer gig out at Bayview.
I got to jam on with them in the last set as the coolness and darkness overtook Gull Lake.
Ashley just missed the last song as her and Jess came out to BAyview after the wedding but we did get to hang out with them for a bit before we called it a long.
The two of them headed out the next morning for Ann Arbor and then Boston. As always when she leaves it was a bit emotional saying goodbye. It is a tough parental thing to let them go when you love them so and enjoy their company. Still thankful are we for the time spent together with sister Callie, Mom and I.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hokey Open 2009

A herd of 80 or so goofers made it out to Mullenhurst Golf Course just north of the Kalamazoo county line on the morning of August 22nd. The Hokey Open went off that day without a hitch. Friday activities to draw the teams began around 6PM as those coming in from around the globe began to show up for this annual event. Not sure, but it is probably somewhere around the 16-18th year of this happening. Neale "Hop Sing" Mansberger was at the grill doin up some bratwurst and the picking of teams was under way. This year Dave " the Metalist" Lamons and Jimmy "Chitown"Claflin were a big help in getting the word out and bringing in the list of players to founding fathers, Marty "Bad Axe" Lacasse and Steve "Solo" Symons". As always Marv "Cookie" Cook and Barry "the Bear" Haas' help in picking teams and figuring out winners after was appreciated. After much of the usual high fiving, moaning and groaning about the pairings, eating and beer swilling the teams were up on the board. Complimentary CD's were also passed out to those in attendance for the Friday night draw. Some partying went on Friday evening and there are those who are still learning the hard way to go to bed and rest up or the early call to arms.
Saturday morning was quickly here and all that was left was the mad dash to find your partners, fill up your bloody mary cup, the big squeal of the Saturday morning horn and we were teeing off. The weather was a tad cool but no measurable rain came down and some sun did shine so we were pleased.
You know I couldn't tell you for sure who won but I know after the great lunch put on by Spanky's gang, and the perennial putting contest the guys went away content. The winners got their winnings and there were no losers. I do believe 57 was the winning score, some 14 under par. Some of these guys can play and others they love it just the same. Their once a year chance to hit the links. This has become an annual event in memorial of those other founding fathers of the Hokey Band and the Hokey Open; "Capt." Rob Hren and "Mickey" Billy CLaflin and "Uncle" Harry Maas. Bill and Rob's picture graced the CD this year and I am sure some thoughts and intoxicants were flowing their way at the site of their plaques on the 4th hole at Mullenhurst.
It is always talked about whether there be another next year and I do not believe "the players" will let it go away, at least not for quite a while.
It would not be right if I did not mention a couple other regular Hokey Happenings related to the Open. One is the return this year of 9 "Juan Juan" to the event. Shall I say I was lucky enough to be chosen to play and ride with him. He did not disappoint as he gave his usual colorful "feel" to the day. The other is my friend, "Jayman" Barr, who lives nearby me but we somehow only really hang out on this day. I pick him up at 6:55AM and drop him off after the after party is over late into the evening. It 's always blast as we do it up Hokey style. Til next year Jayman. Oh yeah, Dave Lamons guess who you're playing with next year;) see photo of flower watering.