Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sister Was Home

Have to do some catching up here on summer activities as the season begins to wane. Daughter/Sister/Friend Ashley Kay was home for a quick visit and be an attendant in her longtime friend Corey's wedding the last weekend of August. Ashley had not been home since last Christmas so the reunion with her was important to family and friends. She was busy with pre-wedding activities but we did manage to eke out some quality time with her and her traveling companion, Jessica. Mary and I did attend the wedding and reception, which was a very nice affair in downtown Kalamazoo at the new Cityscape Event Center. Being the proud parents. of course we thought Ashley was the best looking bridesmaid, ( see photos) no slight to any of the others.
We left the reception a bit early to take part in the MOtortones last summer gig out at Bayview.
I got to jam on with them in the last set as the coolness and darkness overtook Gull Lake.
Ashley just missed the last song as her and Jess came out to BAyview after the wedding but we did get to hang out with them for a bit before we called it a long.
The two of them headed out the next morning for Ann Arbor and then Boston. As always when she leaves it was a bit emotional saying goodbye. It is a tough parental thing to let them go when you love them so and enjoy their company. Still thankful are we for the time spent together with sister Callie, Mom and I.

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