Sunday, January 24, 2010

Breaking Through the Blues-Blahs of Januweary

Every once in awhile you get to see a performer at the peak of their creativity, youthful energy and joy of being in the moment with the crowd. Last night Mary and I got to be part of that with several hundred other devotees at the Brandi Carlile show at the Intersection in Grand Rapids. Our daughter Ashley had seen her a couple of times around Boston and said how great her concerts were, we all loved her first few records, especially The Story and the latest Give up the Ghost. To see a group of musicians all clicking, feeding off the crowd and being true to themselves; the first Springsteen show I saw in Chicago in 1975, or a 1990's show of Lindsay Buckingham's at the State theater here in Kalamazoo are two that come to mind. From a cover of the Beatles, "I've just seen a Face" to her latest single "Dreams" to the song she dedicated to Michigan, "The Story", she and her band rocked, reeled and mellowed it with her sensitive songs that the crowd sang along with Brandi and her band made the evening magical. The first hour of the show seemed like 15 minutes and the next thing ya know she was doing Johnny and June's, "Jackson" and then into her signature cover, "Folsom Prison Blues" to bring the crowd in to a frenzy. A few encore songs gave folks a chance to relax and listen to the diverse instrumentation as she brought out the opening act, Katie Herzig for a song with both bands, when 2 cellos were played along with drums and guitars and some sweet singing. In the course of the evening managed to work in a totally unplugged song and a tune with just Brandi and ukulele.
Brad Paisley may have been partying over at Van Andel Arena with several thousand but their was no more genuine musical spirit and camaraderie then was going in inside the Intersection.
In the midst of a winter that has had it's share of bleakness and tragic happenings this was what many needed to look forward to and be present in and get away from it all for awhile. Even for a couple of old concertgoers who were among the dozen oldest (in age but not enthusiasm) in attendance, Mary and I did our thing. Mary even made her way through those standing in front of the stage to get closer while I did my Solo dance routine for those around me.

Today is a very gray and rainy Januweary day outside but last nights sailing home on a song and memory has given this Sunday a lift above the clouds for us AARP members;)
"age is no problem, I'm as young as I want to be"
I'm a Coconut -SR Symons

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Amazing write SOLO.