Friday, February 19, 2010


Watching you laying there with the tubes attached, your breaths soft and slow,

the fragility of life comes home, yet beyond that I see your

quiet determination inside, your faith shaken but never lost.

The giver that you are and always have been to us and all

around you taking a well-deserved break. I know you believe to have another day is a miracle

to give again with your encouraging words, holding a person in your thoughts

so they know you care, that will remain everlasting.
Giver, forgiver, believer that today is a chance again to pull someone

in from out in the cold, offer them warmth, kindness and hope with a smile, a hug or a chuckle.

Giver, mother, friend and lover you see the light but also create light for all of us to share

when we are around you. Let us learn that gift.
*for mamere' while she recuperates after her heart surgery

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