A clumsy poets view of his surroundings and comments on recent happenings in his world.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Is This Christmas?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Darkness and Light
Friday, November 20, 2009
the last leaf
will eventually follow the other leaves
and make it's way to the ground
landing in a pile that is
waiting to be raked
blown away burned or
left to decompose
*inspired by the short story, : The Last Leaf", written by O. Henry who also wrote "The Gift of the Magi". Two of the great short stories ever written.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Halloween Turning Green or Yellow or Red or....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Time and I ramble on

I became 57 years last week-had a good checkup with the doc-so far so good. Just the usual weird bumps and soreness here and there. I have that to be thankful for. I received gifts and greetings from good friends and family, got some thoughtful gifts from wife and daughters, ate at a new sushi-hibachi restaurant, saw Delilah and the Lost Boys at the KIA, danced to the 4 Wheel Drive band with Mary and with friends Friday night. I was able to ride the bike to the post office yesterday and took some of the pictures shown here along the way. Might be last really decent day of the year. My mom becomes 78 this week. As she says she is hangin' in there. I am blessed to have such a wonderful mom and parents. Best Wishes and love to her. It is so easy to look at what we don't have or would like to do and feel like we are missing something. We all should appreciate and note what it is we have and try and improve what we can for ourselves and others.
After a year plus into retirement I see I need to fill up some more time, especially come winter. So far none of my job possibilities have panned out. I do believe there is something for me out there. I enjoy the weekly volunteering, the sleeping in, do not miss the hassles of school administration, I do miss most of the folks I worked with (hey Greta glad to see you are a reader;), I enjoy golfing when I want to and can afford it, I do wish Mary was around more to share the relaxed hours but that will come with time, being able to meet friends for leisurely lunches, and I like being to have the time to write. So there is my ramble of the week. The clouds and rain are returning for a spell, glad I got my bike ride in. Ya'll take care and count your blessings as the leaves come a rambling down.....
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Watt's goin On??

- Fall golf at various locales; in order >Yarrow in Augusta, MI, Maple Lane in Sterling Hts., MI (with Jo, Denman and Mary), at Bedford Valley outside Battle Creek(made it back 40 years+after caddying there), Gull Lake Country Club (thanks to Melvis n D. Lamons).
- Gigged with Susan at Webster's down at Radisson Hotel
- Began writing Country Club Caddy memoir.
- Weather has frequently been rainy and chilly, politicians and pundits willly nilly, the media driven culture downright silly
- 1st Anniversary of writing blog passes-thanks for reading if you are;)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fish Fish Fishin and Eat Eat Eatin

I cast a line for fish more this year than in quite some time and actually caught some keepers this summer.
This past Saturday after bro-in-law Joe C. set me up with a line, sinker, reel and rod I was good to go out to Jerry and Rene's annual end of summer fish camp north of Delton on some private land.
Jerry and Rene are partners in our golf league together and have extended this invitation for several years and I never made it. This year it did not interfere with the Wheatland fest so I went. It was way out in the boonies as they say and I found it without too problem getting there around 3. It is a guys who love to fish fantasy camp. With all sorts of food, fishing and fun. Many of these guys have known each other for a long time or are related. A few of the guys I have known for several years from golf league like Big E. and Tommy Cox and I know you have to be thick skinned and be able take a joke or two when hanging with them.
After chewing on some steak that Big E. cooked up for lunch, we hung around the campfire having some beers, listening to football, joking around til about 5:30 when we headed out for some big bass. I went out with Jerry and Rene and we didn't catch any big ones but we had fun trying and it was again a beautiful evening. I did manage to catch the biggest one in our boat but nothing near the 4-5 pounders others would bring in. When we got back it was bout dark and the fun escalated as Rene got the fryer heated up and Jerry got the batter going. In no time there was fried onion rings, mushrooms and tons of fish ready to chow. By the time I was ready to follow Brother Bob Cox out of camp and back home it was almost 11. I had another sweet summer experience that I am glad I finally got to share with these boys from Mattawan.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
that was the Wheatland that was.......

I had said I wasn't going to go to the Wheatland Music Festival this year. Last year was a so-so experience and I was ready for a break after 8 years or so. That was until friend Susan asked if I would like to join her and Dana again on the Kids Stage to accompany her in her show. I had enjoyed some of the groups performing this year on previous occasions so I said yes, why not. After all the travel plans were worked out I was riding up early on Thursday with Michael, Susan, and their son Nathan as we pulled the Palamazoo trailer behind us. Performers can get in early which makes for getting prime camping spots. Mary would come up later on Friday bringing most of our stuff. I would take the tent for my first night solo sleeping. Thursday night before the festival is special and unique. You have this "place to ourselves" feeling like when you are in a huge house you don't often get to stay at. I took some before shots without any of the cars, tents and campers set up and later would take some after or during shots showing the difference. There is a special pot luck for Kids Hill performers like us Thursday night and there is jamming and some chow to consume. Last year it rained and was confined, this year it was great weather and the music was outside, and the kids got to explore the stuff on kids hill. Sister Suzanne, Lily and Little Kim got to come and participate. It was Suze's first time to get in on a Thursday, thanks to cousin Sharon's generosity of the parking pass. She got prime location in DeDannon and got to hang out in the Performers Area. WHoa!! Well, Thursday ended in the usual mellow prefest fun mode, I think I was hugging a shower bladder at the end of the night. Missed my woman((. Ask Mick and he will tell you all about it I am sure. Trick and Peggy joined us Friday as the spaces began filling up after the land rush of campers came pouring in through the gates. Mary was soon to follow. Coming down Pierce Road to the front gates is a special thing with the familiar sights and smells of festival and the farmlands all around. You get a twinge of excitement ever year as you head to the area you want to set up at. From here I will just say that the rest of the weekend was full of sweet weather, great music, jamming, dancing, many laughs, some special moments with family and friends, and our two shows with Susan and the Palamazoo crew went off successfully. Some of the performers that stuck out were Ruthie Foster, Deliah DeWylde and the Lost Boys, The Wilders, DeTamps Antan, The Radiators and many more that filled in the musical cornucopia that is Wheatland. Yes, this turned out to be one of the top 3 that I have attended in the last 8-9 years. I am glad I decided to go and thank Susan, Mary and friends for encouraging me to do so. See ya next year???
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
No Labor on Little Long
the sun sinks slowly
into a sky that oozes a mesh of reds yellows blues and oranges
relections on glass for water three boats merge as one
to greet the moonrise on the other side
dual moons take us back to shore where darkness
waits for fire
Sister Was Home

Have to do some catching up here on summer activities as the season begins to wane. Daughter/Sister/Friend Ashley Kay was home for a quick visit and be an attendant in her longtime friend Corey's wedding the last weekend of August. Ashley had not been home since last Christmas so the reunion with her was important to family and friends. She was busy with pre-wedding activities but we did manage to eke out some quality time with her and her traveling companion, Jessica. Mary and I did attend the wedding and reception, which was a very nice affair in downtown Kalamazoo at the new Cityscape Event Center. Being the proud parents. of course we thought Ashley was the best looking bridesmaid, ( see photos) no slight to any of the others.
We left the reception a bit early to take part in the MOtortones last summer gig out at Bayview.
I got to jam on with them in the last set as the coolness and darkness overtook Gull Lake.
Ashley just missed the last song as her and Jess came out to BAyview after the wedding but we did get to hang out with them for a bit before we called it a long.
The two of them headed out the next morning for Ann Arbor and then Boston. As always when she leaves it was a bit emotional saying goodbye. It is a tough parental thing to let them go when you love them so and enjoy their company. Still thankful are we for the time spent together with sister Callie, Mom and I.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hokey Open 2009

Saturday morning was quickly here and all that was left was the mad dash to find your partners, fill up your bloody mary cup, the big squeal of the Saturday morning horn and we were teeing off. The weather was a tad cool but no measurable rain came down and some sun did shine so we were pleased.
You know I couldn't tell you for sure who won but I know after the great lunch put on by Spanky's gang, and the perennial putting contest the guys went away content. The winners got their winnings and there were no losers. I do believe 57 was the winning score, some 14 under par. Some of these guys can play and others they love it just the same. Their once a year chance to hit the links. This has become an annual event in memorial of those other founding fathers of the Hokey Band and the Hokey Open; "Capt." Rob Hren and "Mickey" Billy CLaflin and "Uncle" Harry Maas. Bill and Rob's picture graced the CD this year and I am sure some thoughts and intoxicants were flowing their way at the site of their plaques on the 4th hole at Mullenhurst.
It is always talked about whether there be another next year and I do not believe "the players" will let it go away, at least not for quite a while.
It would not be right if I did not mention a couple other regular Hokey Happenings related to the Open. One is the return this year of 9 "Juan Juan" to the event. Shall I say I was lucky enough to be chosen to play and ride with him. He did not disappoint as he gave his usual colorful "feel" to the day. The other is my friend, "Jayman" Barr, who lives nearby me but we somehow only really hang out on this day. I pick him up at 6:55AM and drop him off after the after party is over late into the evening. It 's always blast as we do it up Hokey style. Til next year Jayman. Oh yeah, Dave Lamons guess who you're playing with next year;) see photo of flower watering.
Monday, August 17, 2009
North Again on US 31

Mary had worked painting walls and other things for KPS this summer and deserved a respite away from the toil and everyday worries of work and whatnot, ya'll know the whatnot, right? Well, being that I just returned from a pleasant northern getaway I knew she needed to go and I needed to wine and dine her, being the one of a year's retirement and all. So, I plotted out in my mind a bit of a retracing of a trip we took around 30 years ago that we took around Lake MIchigan in her Gremlin with my dog Frodo. Out first night was spent with all 3 of us sleeping in the Gremlin in an unpleasant wind and rainstorm in the parking lot of the Pentwater State Park. We returned there under much better circumstances, 75 degrees, blue sky, windy but improved sleeping accomodations 3 minutes up the road with a cottage kitchenette at the Pines Motel. We found Pentwater to be a quaint little place with good restaurants/bars, shops for Mary to drag me around to, and entertainment of the musical and people variety. We beached it with a bunch of folks, I got in some good body surfing (when I could hang on to my loose suit) and swimming, and just hanging out. We'd go back to our little abode and shower and head back to the town for dinner and whatever. After dinner at the Gull Landing Resaurant, we came upon a jam which we found to be called Tuesday night Pickers in the Park, where folks of all ages came to jam and sing. The crowd just sat and laid around and listened as the sun went down over the harbor. We caught the last bit of the sunset drinking White Russians and Bailey's on the outdoor second floor of the Brown Bear pub. We retreated to our little cabin where this being a Tuesday night there were several vacancies and a quiet northern lakeshore night. Wednesday, we had breakfast back at the Gull Landing, got to the beach early before any campers had started yet stumbling down to the beach. Waves were much calmer this day and we did the pier walk and had lunch at the beachstand. After we had enough sun we headed back to the cabin and saw that we had new neighbors, from Ohio, bless their heart and their Buckeye flag;(. We got ready for dinner and this night ate at the "famous" Antler Inn after a pre-dinner cocktail at the Village Cafe and Pub. Our waitress here was Stephanie, an aspiring musician from Kentucky, although not your typical southern gal, very sweet and we of course talked about writing original songs and music. After walking around and having a synchronistic moment running into Connie and Narda from Kalamazoo and their cottage posse up from Grand Haven at a jewelry store we sought out the jazz band that was advertised to be playing back the Gull Landing. We weaseled our way into some seats as the dinner crowd had the outdoor deck packed. We had another sweet young waitress here who attended WMU and of course we had much to talk about, that Bell's Oberon sure can start conversations. We listened to the band who were some white guys playing some mellow dinner jazz. We headed out and this night we were going to get some ice cream like everyone else seemed to be doing. There were as many ice cream places as bars which isn't all bad. This place was very dog friendly as well as visitor friendly, which was common on our little trip. They had plenty of well marked, accessible restrooms as well as poop scoopin bags handy in the parks, now how good is that? The night was upon us and we did have a long day so we had hoped we had given our Ohio State friends time to "party" while we were away. So after our ice cream walking and more window shopping we headed back. There they were husband, wife and their 2 kids, mom and pop drinking beer with the manager of the motel asking us if we we wanted to "party" or were going to crash (wink-wink). Well we closed our windows, turned on the air and the tv and faded away. We could only hear the door keep slamming of their room. the AC did a good job. That is til 2:30 in the morning when we woke to some guy yelling and swearing at someone, we think the neighbor, and saying he hated him. Then coming back and apologizing, getting in his truck and taking off. The Great, White, Weird NOrth invaded by Buckeyes. When we got up and packed up the next morning they were tucked in their room with only the beer cans laying around out front to show for their evening's fun. We were leaving Pentwater behind to those who had come for their "homecoming" celebration which was starting on Thursday. The No Vacancy sign was now up. We had our enjoyment and were on way to Manistee/Arcadia area before we jagged over off 31 to family in Mancelona/East Jordan.
>We continued following our path from 30 years previous on US31 going into Manistee for a quick walk through the downtown and their Riverwalk which is quite impressive that goes all the down to the lake. We got back on the road, actually taking a little detour to M-22 so I could surprise Mary with lunch and a great view at Arcadia Bluffs Golf Course. The guys and I had golfed there and had a couple of great sunset dinners there in years past.
I knew it would be a great day for it as it was crystal clear. The food had always been superb there and it did not disappoint. Really a dramatic point there the northwest shore of Lake Michigan. After lunch we headed up through Frankfort and drove past the Lake Michigan site where I proposed to her back in 1982 near Hesh Fisk's dome cabin.
Traps, trips are better and the Fab5 reunion

We bring in August and it is nearing a year since I began this blogging experiment. I appreciate those of you willing to read and especially those who make comments. It keeps me doing it.
It could be the 10th annual(or so) Guys Golf Getaway that I will tell you about first. A bunch of name droppin in this edition.This year the fabtastic 4 (MikeyD, Jazzman,Peetah, and myself headed north again for golf and a stay at the Catbird Nest, the home away from home for friends, Keith and Cath. Located somewhere near Grayling where a renowned Michigan river runs through. We headed up on Thursday and stopped near St. Johns to golf at The Emerald, the "The Gem of Mid-Michigan". I will say they had the best greens I have played on in quite some time-public or private course. Things started off well-no greenies were won the first day and a quick round of animal golf left Jazz and Mike paying out. It was a very busy evening at The Emerald, as they had several leagues but play moved along as well as could be expected. Folks were friendly all around. A lovely start and we're off to Grayling with a scheduled, brief stop at Mt. Pleasant and the famed Soaring Eagle Casino. No big winners this day but we did experience the fine dining of the Water Lily where Peter would find they lack in knowledge of his preferred drink B n B, what it is and how to serve it. This is a repeated theme in our bar experience with Peter. We were off to our final destination by 8. We were in no great hurry as our host was not arriving til after 9:30 to greet us. A store stop for some provisions and a last call for final directions and we were there around 10. Keith had arrived and was opening up the place for the Fabtastic 4, now the Fab5. Even though we were all tired the first night adrenaline kicked in and we played cards and drank for a of couple hours, til we couldn't do either no more. A full moon out over the deck and a cool night over the deck fed the euphoria. We did have to get up, do breakfast in town and make it to the golf course for round 2. I lost at cards.
Round 2 was to be at the Black Forest near Gaylord, about 30-40 minutes north east. The most difficult and expensive course we would play. The day was beautiful, the pro-shop vibe wanting but we headed out up into the mountain of the Black Forest. The course was tree lined, you could hardly see the hole next to you, and we basically had the course to ourselves. We started off playing like we were hungover and tired. Imagine that. Mikey D. took the 8 carry over greenie away from Peter's grasp for a major win. We each had to pay him $8. We left there and headed to Benethem's just outside Gaylord to meet Keith for dinner. Excellent dinner with many selections and decent wine. We made it back with daylight to spare and a night of more cards. Keith had put together a music mix of some of our old faves from college and high school days. I lost at cards again.
Day 3 began with early morning rain, something we had not experienced much in our years of doing this. The Catbird nest at the river took on a different quality in the rain and it was quiet and misty. A good day for fishing as Keith would report later. We had an earlier tee off time over at Grandview, near Kalkaska. When we called they said they would possibly have all the groups tee off at the same time when the rain let up.
It was a half our drive over so we said let's go, get some bfast on the way and do the adventure, after it is why we do this. We found the sign for the course and took the long drive down the country road to get there. It was still raining pretty good and there was a low fog. Our experience with the staff at this unassuming course was great. It was pretty much a matriarchal run establishment and they not only made us bloody mary's but cooked us a made to order breakfast, while we waited with the other dudes hangin around for a couple of outings.
By 11:30 the rain was letting up as the radar had showed and they sent us all out. It rained lightly off and on for several holes but we got it in and we had a great Grandview round. Today was my day to win the greenies a 4x carry over, yeah! There were many interesting aspects to this day that I don't have the time to write about but one little tidbit is I found $10 on a tee and was a Good Samaritan and turned it over to the guys in front of us when they asked if we had found $10. Pay it forward is what we said.
We headed back to the CB nest where Dr. K was cooking us up a steak dinner of fabtastic proportions. He does it without any it little help from us, his choosing. After the great meal, there was much daylight so Mikey D. and Keith went for some evening fly fishing, while Peter, Jazz and I had cigars and after dinner libations down by the river. Upon darkness we headed up to the house for the poker jam. I lost again for the third straight night. The others all had won at least 1 night if not 2 or 3. Keith wanted me to mention Peter's ability to win at cards while not in the room but outside on the deck smoking. Strange but true.
We all were quite spent after 3 days and nights of this leisurely lifestyle-it was exhausting;) We awoke to Sunday becoming quite warm and we cleaned up, packed up and headed for home. Many thanks to the fifth in the party for his hospitality, hard hitting wit and friendship. Memories were made there at the place on the river and on the road again.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Tigers, Family and other summer fun

Monday, July 13, 2009
Savor the Summertime Blues and Greens

On the road to Fenville with Corby
and Bocce with the boys of summer.
Fresh off last evening's outdoor performance by the Motortone's at Bayview I am Mo-tivated to post something on the blog. It is Monday MOanin for sure, summer is slowly slinking it's way through as we grasp at it's light and warmth. I think the gig went well, gracias to all friends and fam who showed, as usual band had fun in a great summer outdoor environment on Gull Lake. Thanks MO-tones for the chance to jam at rehearsal and last night. Always fun to get silly with the "Revanator".
I have not blogged in a couple weeks, my last entry after MJ's death might of been a bit dark but meaningful to me at least. It sure did not elicit any response but most of my entries go without responses. So far it has been a fairly musical summer-the jam at Clone studios with Ms. Harrison, Shooter and Jazz was fun and broke some new ground with Susan finally making it to the jamsite. The other ML was a gracious host as usual. The 4th of July was close behind, where we spent the weekend in Fennville at the G'nas (also always gracious hosts) hosting friends and family hanging out playing horseshoes, bocce, the annual golf shot competition-Buckley winning again, women that go Saugie shopping, eating great food, celebrating Pat's Biday, masterful ribbing, fireworks and jamming round the campfire. It was good to have Dr. W. Pett join us again for the festivities. Bill "Corby" Corbin rode over on his MO-torcycle from Detroit to Kalamazoo to Fennville (see photo), the first leg of his cross-country journey that will take him up through Canada and to California and back again. Quite the solo trip for a a 58 year old. I admire his adventuresome spirit to go it alone. He called last week from Mt. Rushmore before he headed into Canada -hope rest of trip goes well, continued good weather, meet interesting folks and get some good RnR time.
So the Fourth ended with a bang and a thud for us and many as we headed back home to our routines. I went fishing with bro-in-law Joe C. last Monday evening out to Little Long Lake. Lovely night and caught a keeper sized Pumpkinseed bluegill and few other small bass. Mary and I did get to see the Caron-Duffield Project open the Kazoo Blues Fest Thursday night, which had great weather all weekend so attendance should of been up this year.
On the golf report front, I broke out of my summer slump last week in league and had my best round in weeks. Martin J. asked me to be his partner again in an outing at the Medalist over near Marshall last week. We had fun and hit some decent shots, golfed, ate for free and won a set of screwdrivers to go with my wrenches from last year. What a deal , thanks Martay.
Sum Sum Summertime slips away- the grass growing slows-the gardens demand water, the 'maters are popping out and the long nights slowly retreat their way towards fall. I have my food pantry to go monitor today, cut some grass and finish off my networking letter to see what is out there for me to do, if anything. It is getting on almost a year now since my so called retirement and I am wanting of something more to fill my time. What shall it be?
Friday, June 26, 2009
death, devices and huge divots

A lot has taken place since the last post. I have golfed about 72 or more holes at various courses; the Gordy Challenge out at Maple Hills, Stonehedge on Fathers Day near Augusta, up at St. Ives near Big Rapids, and the league at Thornapple. I need a break from golf for awhile, I have been sucking lately and need a swing-mind revamping.
BUT the big news is the death of the King of Pop. All I think of is the Artist twisted and tortured inside. Jimi, Janis, J. Morrison, Elvis, Van Gogh, Rimbaud, James Dean, Dennis Wilson, Kurt Cobain, Michael and others; their genius battled the pain, drove the soul of their creative ride along the crest of an existence that was surreal and on time, in the moment and off the wall. The artist feels life experiences at a level most do not. Translates it into something we can all only try and understand. They strove to help us make sense of what value the sweetness this life possesses for us all against the darkness.
I offer my poem robot love from mid 70's:
what is it that bubbles is my brain every time the robot tries to look my way I know they see it the look in my eye I know they see it they think it's a lie
what is it that cuts through the eye of the robot when he insists on playing out his hand it's always the same oh how the man hates the sound of our wrippled band it's never the same it's robot love
robot love caring to prefer not to saying no to the status quo give a show grow your own self it's only fair sell short despair not it's worth it who says who cares who stares
stairs stirs stars stars stairs stirs stirs stars stairs still sit wait still waiting i waited waited waited for his return for his return upon hes return i lost touch again it wasn't worth it
sweet robot do stay away i feel easier this way hurt it does to see me cry me try me die me cry me try me die
Monday, June 15, 2009
Frog in the Blog

Grad parties and checking out our musician friends gigs took up most of the last weekend. Have to mention that in between we saw the movie "Revolutionary Road" , which was troubling and insightful tale of dreams unrealized and inner demons, great acting by Kate Winslet and Leonardo De.... but there was GOLF too of course, finally got over to where Davie G. is working at the Ravines near Saugatuck and played with old Fraser pal Tom Buckles and White Cloud/Fremont native Dave Hewitt-good time, great weather and had the long, lonely drive back after Red Wings loss but had good phone company from Peter, BMAD, and Mary.
Til the Solstice enjoy the sights, sounds and scenery ..........
Monday, June 8, 2009
Last weekend was the one of the biggest for celebrations in Kalamazoo. Art fairs, the Do-Dah parade, Greek fest, and concerts. Mary and I hit Friday evening for the Art Hop where we were running into friends and acquaintances at breakneck speed. We hooked up with Mike and Susan, Patrick and Peggy for dinner at Charlie Fosters and went home kind of early so that we were in good shape for the Greek fest on Saturday where I assisted Susan and her Palamazoo crew in entertaining tots near the playground inside the Arcadia Festival site. Downtown was packed with folks checking out the parade and art, etc. The weather was just right. It was a short and sweet gig and we got some little ones to smile and shake an egg , sing along or swing a streamer. We boogied to the sounds of the greek music as the puppets. After that we hit the food tent for some Greek grub and a beer. It was an early night again, stayed home and watched a Netflick and some Red Wings as they get closer to the Cup. The camera malfunctioned on Saturday so we have no pictures of the Palamazoo Greek fest show. Sorry, make it up next time.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lighter Longer

Highlights of the last week ( and some low points)
- did my first stint at an actual food pantry where Loaves and Fishes hands out food. It was somewhat uncomfortable I think for both parties, as you walk through assisting the folks with the # of choices they receive in each food group, then like a good checkout boy taking the cart of groceries with them to the car, trying to keep a sense of dignity in the process.
- Melvi subbed in golf league in Peter's absence and we did our thing in style.
- Callie moved out as she is taking over for someone in a sublease deal with her good friend Ashley. Only one load of significance this time. Empty Nester's again are we.
- Found out we have some termites around house and had to do some wood moving this past weekend and call pest control$
- Got vegetable garden planted along with some flowers, etc.
- Enjoyed weekend working round house, burning some infested wood and going out to Bro n Law Joe's lakeside crib Sat. eve. with Jimmy C. for some frivolity round the fire and Mary went out to great fishfry meal and bocce ball Monday where Bro n Law Mike showed (see photo) up along with LL regulars.
- Had Skype webcall with whole family talking to Ashley K. out east on Sunday. Neat treat to be able to do that.
- Looking forward to the long days of daylight ahead which are short lived but need to be savored while we have them.
Monday, May 18, 2009
"Where's my Limo"?

"Where's My Limo"?, that was the refrain that could be heard from Margie as we exited the restaurant or beer garden. You get used to the good life pretty fast albeit short lived. The anniversary evening started out with a little rain coming down not the weather we had hoped for but armed with umbrellas, wine, beer, water, snacks and other little treats we ready for the cruise to our lakefront destination of Saugatuck to celebrate our little anniversary gangs Spring and Summer nuptials of near 100 years total. Keith and Cathy, who were traveling the longest distance to get to our house, were the first team to arrive. Pete and Margie, who live closest, were the last to arrive, they were not eliminated from the race;) Mike and Susan were second but hey who was really counting.
The Limo was there and our driver was showing us where to store all out stuff. It was time to pack in and hit the road. The ride there was festive and the stereo was of an earlier vintage as was the Limo. Didn't matter because the women's conversation drowned out anything else. Keith opened and the wine and before we knew it we were at our halfway stop outside Allegan for a quick stop for some smokes. Next thing we knew we were pulling onto Butler Ave. in Saugatuck and lo and behold on the marquee in front of Phil's Bar and Grill it says, " Happy Anniversary Steve And Mary". It was a nice surprise that Pat G's brother Johnny who made the reservation for us had worked out with his friend, Sous Chef Scott. The group seemed to understand why it didn't address us all.
So we had a little wait til our table was ready, and had an enjoyable tasty meal. I was happy with the food and service. Things had taken a bit longer for dinner, etc. and Pat G. and Davie G., Fenville residents, were trying to hold a table over at the Saugatuck Brew Pub where The Ragbirds were playing on opening night for the Beer Garden out back. We were hoping to be there round 9 but didn't get out of Phil's til 9:30. I called DG but they were back home as the crowd got large there at the Brewpub. The Limo driver found the Beer Pub Garden down the HWY. with my help and we breezed in to the packed house as the Ragbirds were playing. It really looked like a German Beer Hall. We got drinks and headed up near the stage as there were no seats. We just started dancing , shakin it up to just a few songs before it was break time for the band. We figured it was a good time to hit the road back to Richland so we would make it by Midnight to fore go any additional fees. "Where's my Limo" was heard as we came outside. The driver was was there ready for us. We piled in full of food , wine beer and frivolity. The ride back was punctuated with singing oldies on the radio ( never got CD player to work), drinking champagne, and eating chocolate for some and just kicking back for others.
We pulled into our driveway just before 12 and had to get all our stuff out. Only a couple spills, some wine, one of the food boxes got trampled on and that had to be cleaned up off the carpet. Margie and Mary took care of that. All in all, it was a different experience-over too fast. Wish the live music part could of been longer and my hangover less on Saturday but hey we only get around this life so many times, eh?
I paid the driver-we all said our goodbye's and another anniversary celebration was in the books. This started in it's original form some 22-23 years ago? Great friends, great times, and most importantly great memories.