Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Moanin

Fueled by some Equal Exchange Love Buzz coffee I am here with a Name Dropping edition of the Blog:

In the last couple of weeks since the The Hag concert I have been attempting to keep busy-the time on my hands and money concern has started to create a bit of angst at times-especially with feeling I am gettin to know Regis and Kelly and Hoda and Kathy Lee and the Today show bunch a little better than I care to, I realize I need to find something more constructive to do since the outdoor activities are waning.
>So after going to see 4 wheel drive with buddy Jimmy C. at the Stagecoach here in Richland and meeting some new wild characters (another story, another time) there that night I headed north last Tuesday for a autumnal 3 hr. tour with some fresh CD's from KK to hang out with my condo-conference colleague/buddies at Shanty Creek ( Ralph and J.C.'s treat). It also gave me the opportunity to visit my sister Sue and my niece, Lilly, in the backwoods of Mancelona on the Cedar River and play golf at The Chief, (see photos) where I again teamed up with my retired pal and xcellent cart driver, Lynn and Joelman and KRippit to win some more $ and prizes and have a frosty fall golf experience, 2 longest drive prizes in a month. After surviving living the Vendor life at the conference I drove home through the rain to a call from Ashley, rain leaking in a window, a message for an interview, and call from Jimmy C. to come up to the Pub as he was meeting Melvis there. Did I mention I was a bit worn from the condo hanging? Anyway, reunited with CAllie as she got home from work, waiting on Mary but she had went shopping after work so I headed to see the guys at the Pub, where Mary joined us a bit later. The night turned out really nicely as Melvis invited us to dinner at the Players Club in Augusta with his wife and grandson. All you can eat fish and friends on Friday-indeed.

Weekend was not over yet-Mary said we were meeting Cuz Sharon and buddy hubby Jeffro Saturday night down at the new blues club 411 to see Blues Time BAnd, guitarist, a friend of Jeff's. Blues were hot and place was given a thumbs up- food which we didn't partake in looked good but many good beers available even one from Shorts Brewery in Bellaire. Oh yes the Shanty Creek Brown from the Brewery in Cedarville was quite good at the Shanty Creek Lakeview BAr.
>Are you still with me? NOte in here that part of the celebration Saturday was SPARTY beating UM at their HOuse (GO GREEN) and Sunday rooting for the Li-Downs to get beat again, which of course they did in their own miserable way.

So that pretty much takes us to Tuesday moanin-a brief mention that I had my first 55 minute telephone interview yesterday for a little job I won't talk about yet- wait and see what hoppens.
Did not really like the impersonal telly talent question and response system but sign of the times.

On a last name dropping note some books I have read of late and would recommend: In order of most recent: The Great Gatsby-Fitzgerald, Grab on to me Tightly As If I Knew the Way- local author Bryan Charles, A Fish of Size-local author Keith Konvalinka, The Overcoat-Gogol, The Road-Cormac McCarthy (author of No Country for Old Men), Who's Your Caddy-Rick Reilly, Just started reading, Society's Child-Janis Ian, a book Big Shooter lent me.
I think that is enough Name Dropping for one morning except for a blessing for my old and dear friend Martha who is not doing well. My prayers to her and family.
Look for Election Posts coming here soon, no endorsements just reactions!
Please make comments so I know if anyone is reading!! Thanks Ya'll!

1 comment:

aks said...

i'm reading. enjoyed the name dropping.